Solveig Muus
Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona
Solveig Muus worked for a decade at Augsburg Fortress Publishers (Minneapolis) in marketing services before joining Christian Brands, a.k.a. Autom, (Phoenix) where she was Director of Marketing, Creative, Product Development, and Brand Manager. In addition to working with LAMA, Solveig serves the Grand Canyon Synod as Director of Advancement at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center.
Solveig is a graduate of Saint Olaf College (Northfield, MN) and has an MBA from Metropolitan State University (Saint Paul, MN). She is a member of Grace Lutheran Church (Phoenix) where for 12 years she has served Grace as Outreach Director, working with volunteers and ministry partners to serve the Grace community through its Heat Respite Program, Pancake Breakfast and Grace Room. She loves singing, cooking, feasting and camping with her dog, Happy.
Grand Canyon Synod Staff
Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona
Advocacy Director, Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada
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