We are excited to announce the release of a new list of Spiritual Directors within the Grand Canyon Synod. This valuable resource aims to provide rostered ministers with a variety of skilled and compassionate individuals who are well-equipped to walk alongside them in their spiritual journey.

View our current list of Spiritual Directors below. You can learn more about each person by clicking the link.

Spiritual direction is a sacred ministry that focuses on fostering a deeper relationship with God. It is a collaborative process between a rostered minister and a spiritual director, who serves as a compassionate listener and spiritual guide. Rooted in scripture, long-standing tradition, prayer, and Luther’s practice of Mutual Conversation and Consolation among siblings in Christ, spiritual direction aims to facilitate an awareness of the Holy Spirit's movement in one's life, offering guidance, encouragement, and occasion for discernment along the way. While spiritual direction may at times resemble therapeutic counseling or coaching, its focus is distinctive and zeroes in on the question, what is God up to in your life?

Our list of spiritual directors includes individuals from diverse backgrounds, all of whom have undergone specialized training and have a deep understanding of the unique needs of rostered ministers within the ELCA. They provide support, encouragement, and wisdom as you navigate the joys and challenges of ministry. 

We invite you to explore the statements of each spiritual director, and reach out to any of those persons listed to begin a conversation about how they might support your spiritual journey. Please contact our synod office to get contact information. As you discern your path, remember that the Holy Spirit is always at work, guiding and empowering you in your ministry.

If you are a spiritual director within the Grand Canyon Synod and would like to be added to the list, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would be delighted to learn more about your experience, training, and approach to spiritual direction, and would gladly consider including you as a resource for our rostered ministers.

In the words of the Apostle Paul, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope" (Romans 15:13). May this new resource be a wellspring of hope, encouragement, and spiritual nourishment for our ministers and the congregations and ministry settings they serve.