Elect your voting members for the 2025 Synod Assembly! As congregations hold annual meetings, now is the time to choose those who will represent you at the June 12-13, 2025, assembly in Las Vegas, NV. Remember to include one youth or young adult and one person of color or whose primary language is not English to reflect the diversity of God’s people. Voting members are vital to shaping the ministry and mission of our synod—don’t miss this opportunity to prepare your congregation.


Synodically authorized worshiping communities may elect one lay voting member to the Synod Assembly, according to our constitution (S7.26.C23).

Each congregation shall elect two lay voting members to the synod assembly. (S7.21.A23) In addition:

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 176 to 399 shall be allowed one additional lay voting member (a maximum of three).

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 400 to 649 shall be allowed two additional lay voting members (a maximum of four).

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 650 to 1,299 shall be allowed three additional lay voting members (a maximum of five).

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 1,300 to 1,899 shall be allowed four additional lay voting members (a maximum of six).

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 1,900 to 2,599 shall be allowed five additional lay voting members (a maximum of seven).

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 2,600 to 3,249 shall be allowed six additional lay voting members (a maximum of eight).

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 3,250 to 3,899 shall be allowed seven additional lay voting members (a maximum of nine).

  • Congregations having baptized membership of 3,900 or more shall be allowed eight additional lay voting members (a maximum of ten).

In all cases, a congregation should strive to elect an equal number of male and female voting members, or as close as possible. (See †S7.21.b.)

Congregations are encouraged to include persons of color, persons whose primary language is other than English, youth (confirmed to age 17), and young adults (age 18 to 30) among their lay voting members to the synod assembly. (See †S6.04. and †S6.04.01.)

Additional voting members (S7.21.B23)

In addition to the laity voting members elected in accordance with S7.21.A23:

  • Congregations may elect one additional lay voting member who is a person of color or person whose primary language is other than English.

  • Congregations may elect one additional lay voting member who is a youth (confirmed to age 17) or young adult (age 18 to 30, see †S6.04.01.).

In all cases, a congregation should strive to elect an equal number of male and female voting members, or as close as possible.


All active Ministers of Word and Sacrament (pastors) and Ministers of Word and Service (deacons) on the roster of the Grand Canyon Synod are voting members. 

Synod Council members and Officers of the Grand Canyon Synod are voting members. 

All retired Ministers of Word and Sacrament and Ministers of Word and Service on the roster of the Grand Canyon Synod are voting members, subject to the Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions that refer to their participation:

  • S7.22. This synod may establish processes that permit retired rostered ministers, or those designated as disabled, or on leave from call, on the roster of the synod to serve as voting members of the Synod Assembly, consistent with †S7.21.c. If the synod does not establish processes to permit the rostered ministers specified above to serve as voting members, they shall have voice but not vote in the meetings of the Synod Assembly.

  • S7.22.01. If 10% of the retired ministers of Word and Sacrament on the roster of this synod, or fewer, register for the Synod Assembly, they shall automatically be credentialed as voting members. In the event that more than 10% of the retired ministers of Word and Sacrament on the roster of this synod register for the Synod Assembly, they shall elect voting members from among their number, not to exceed 10% of the total number of retired ministers on the roster of the synod. Laity must always constitute at least 60% of the voting members, consistent with +S7.21.

  • S7.22.02. Voting rights at Synod Assembly shall be granted to any retired ministers of Word and Sacrament who is serving under contract as interim pastor in a congregation, or who is appointed to special service by the bishop of the synod and approved by the Synod Council, or who may be a pastor of the congregation he or she serves and approved by the bishop to substitute for the pastor of the congregation as a Synod Assembly member. Such retired ordained ministers shall not be counted among the 10 percent specified by bylaw S7.22.01.

…to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.
— Ephesians 4:12-13