Rev. Paul Larson
Advocacy Director, Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada
The Rev. Paul Larson serves as the legislative advocate for Lutheran parishioners across Nevada, representing their voices and concerns through his work with the Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN) Policy Council. In addition to this role, he is the lead pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Family in Carson City, NV.
Rev. Larson’s previous pastoral experience includes serving as pastor at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Salinas, CA, where he also acted as Chaplain for Lutheran Campus Ministry of the Monterey Bay in Santa Cruz. His earlier roles include Strategic Designer for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Young Adult Ministry in Chicago, IL; Interim Youth Director for East Bay Lutheran Youth Parish in Oakland, CA; and Vicar at Advent Lutheran Church in Westminster, CO.
Rev. Larson earned his Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from United Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, and holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Sociology and Political Science from Luther College in Decorah, IA. When he’s not advocating for justice or serving his congregation, Rev. Larson enjoys Taylor Swift, social media, and savoring a great cup of coffee.
Grand Canyon Synod Staff
Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona
Advocacy Director, Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada
Learn more about LEAN here.
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