
The reality that we face today within the ELCA and throughout the Christian community in our country is that many congregations are in various stages of decline. However, this situation can be managed and reversed. Many congregations are vital and thriving in this same environment.

To address the challenges of our current social environment, the first thing that could be valuable for all congregations is to conduct an honest assessment of their current condition. Acknowledging the fact that your congregation may be in decline is the first step in returning your worship community to a vital and important member of your neighborhood. 

The Congregational Vitality Committee of the Grand Canyon Synod was created to shepherd in a new and dynamic era of partnership between congregations and the Grand Canyon Synod.

The goals of this committee are to:

  • Encourage congregations to conduct a self-assessment at least once per year.

  • Create a safe environment for congregations to feel comfortable to ask for help from the Synod before the congregation's situation becomes critical and beyond the point of reversing the downward trend.

  • Provide ongoing training and online resources to help congregations maintain and improve their health and vitality through effective ministries that meet the needs of their neighborhoods.

  • Recruit three teams of lay and rostered leaders to meet with and guide congregations through re-energizing and/or maintaining the focus and vitality of their ministries. (one group each in Tucson, Phoenix, and Las Vegas)

  • Train the members of these three teams and develop training programs and other resources for congregations.

Please join us in this exciting new chapter of mutual support within our synod. If you feel called to be a part of this ministry, please contact the synod office.


We invite each congregation of our synod to engage deeply with the life and health of their congregation through this Congregational Vitality Assessment Survey (PDF). This comprehensive survey is designed to offer valuable insights into your congregation’s strengths and areas for growth by examining various aspects such as worship attendance, demographic shifts, leadership engagement, and community impact. Your responses will guide our collective efforts to nurture and revitalize our congregations, ensuring that they remain vibrant and mission-focused communities. Please take the time to reflect honestly and thoughtfully on each question as your input is crucial in shaping our path forward. Click here to access the survey and begin your assessment.


Learn about the demographic makeup of your neighborhoods by visiting the US Zip Codes demographics page here.

Other synod resources

We invite you to visit the congregational vitality pages of other synods: