Posts tagged Inside Out Network
Inside Out Network Updates: Internship Success, Reentry Initiatives, and More

The Spring 2024 ION Newsletter highlights key initiatives, including the impactful work of ION interns, the Reentry Congregation Initiative, and the progress of deploying the ION platform on inmate tablets. Learn about Fred Nelson’s six guiding words and the success of our “Color Me Yellow” campaign. Read more about our efforts to support returning citizens and foster community connections. Read the full newsletter as PDF here or online here.

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Inside Out Network’s Fall-Winter 2023 newsletter

The Inside Out Network’s Fall-Winter 2023 newsletter is available, with great news; “After several years of on-again, off-again discussions and negotiations with Securus Technologies, we finally have a path forward to integrate our online ION website with the 600,000 tablet computers they supply to inmates across the country. This is the breakthrough moment we’ve been working and praying for and that inmates, corrections staff, and reentry service providers have been waiting for.

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Mission Support Memo July 2023: ELCA's Joyous Reunion at the Rostered Ministers Gathering

The ELCA mission support memo for July, 2023 is available as a PDF, as a Word doc, or in this blog post. Join ELCA Mission Support in reflecting on the 2023 Rostered Ministers Gathering in Phoenix. A melting pot of leadership, faith, and inspiration, this gathering fostered connections and reinforced the importance of Mission Support. Learn about the enlightening messages, workshops, and the ongoing mission work that is made possible through the generosity of ELCA members.

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2023 Inside Out Network (ION) report

Thanks to support from the Grand Canyon Synod and many others, the Inside Out Network (ION) continues to provide our one-of-a-kind online platform that connects people leaving incarceration with the service providers and ministries ready to provide the help and support they need.

If you haven’t heard about us before: ION is like eHarmony for reentry. Returning citizens and service providers can find each other and message back and forth, even prior to the inmate’s release.

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Inside Out Network: ION newsletter for winter 2023

We share the latest newsletter from the Inside Out Network (ION), our synod’s prison and reentry ministry. Read the winter 2023 ION newsletter online or view/download as PDF, featuring: Desistance, leaving the minefield; looking ahead; reentry congregations survey work continues, returning citizen spotlight; state updates; spiritual survival guide, and how you can help.

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Inside Out Network: ION newsletter for fall, 2022

We share the latest newsletter from the Inside Out Network (ION), our synod’s prison and reentry ministry. Read the fall 2022 ION newsletter as PDF, featuring an expansion into Oregon, board member Justin Benjamin, returning citizen spotlight, and Arizona updates. As of late September, there are 2695 returning citizens enrolled in Arizona and 163 providers across the state.

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Inside Out Network seeks input on Reentry Congregations Initiative Survey

The Inside Out Network (ION), a ministry birthed in an ELCA congregation and identified as a strategic ministry by the Grand Canyon Synod, is seeking input from congregations that intentionally minister with and to people leaving incarceration. Click here to take the Reentry Congregations Initiative Survey, which takes no more than 10 minutes to complete.

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Inside Out Network helps people leaving incarceration

Inside Out Network, with Rev. Fred Nelson (New Spirit, Tucson) as Executive Director, is a new strategic ministry of the Grand Canyon Synod, helping reshape reentry for people leaving incarceration with their ground-breaking, invisibility-busting ION online platform that allows returning citizens and service providers to communicate directly with each other. Think of ION as "eHarmony for reentry."

Learn how you can help and more about this ministry in this post, this front-page AZ Daily Star article, and the ION website.

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