Mission Support Memo July 2023: ELCA's Joyous Reunion at the Rostered Ministers Gathering

The ELCA mission support memo for July, 2023 is available as a PDF, as a Word doc, or in this blog post. Join ELCA Mission Support in reflecting on the 2023 Rostered Ministers Gathering in Phoenix. A melting pot of leadership, faith, and inspiration, this gathering fostered connections and reinforced the importance of Mission Support. Learn about the enlightening messages, workshops, and the ongoing mission work that is made possible through the generosity of ELCA members.

Stories That Heat Us Up

by Karen Kretschmann, A story from our ELCA churchwide organization

​​We arrived to record-high temperatures in Phoenix, where locals worked to convince us “it is dry heat.” It was hot, yet we were still eager to connect and learn from each other. In July leaders across our church gathered for the 2023 Rostered Ministers Gathering. Nick Kiger and I joined this gifted group to hear, share and gather stories and learn about our church. Many of our churchwide organization staff and Grand Canyon Synod leaders, who rely on Mission Support to do their work, were there to support this gathering, which had been canceled during the pandemic but now was happening. We were together, sharing in joy, words of action and solemn lament, yet with our voices lifted high in song. It was good to be together as one.   

These words from the Rev. Philip Hirsch, director for Christian Community and Leadership in our ELCA, provide a beautiful reflection on this time together:

“In good Lutheran theological fashion, the Rostered Ministers Gathering was a balance of things held in tension: The 117-degree heat outside was experienced along with air-conditioning that was often too chilly for short sleeves. Seven hundred leaders worshiped and heard presentations that were about the head and heart, the gospel of unconditional love, the demand of justice to do better, and the need to interact and to be alone. It sought to care for the whole person of those often stressed to the brink by polarizing and declining membership and a job that never stops. I was glad that our denomination made the effort to minister to those who give their lives to lead and care for others. It was that right time to try to gather for this purpose, and whatever comes of it in the future, this kind of attention to our leaders will always be needed and appreciated.”

We were grateful for insightful messages from Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the Rev. Carmelo Santos, Jeff Chu and Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, as well as many others who facilitated Bible study and workshops. Our churchwide organization leaders also made this gathering a time of learning, rest, worship and care. We are especially grateful for the Rev. Sara Cutter and her team, who organized this gathering. We are church together!