Posts tagged Mission Support
June 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo: U.P. Wild Church

Our June 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo takes us back to U.P. Wild Church, in Northern Great Lake Synod: “a spiritual home for the seekers of beauty, wonder, & awe; where the ‘church goers’ supplement their journey and the ‘misfits’ finally feel connected within the congregation of paper birch trees & squawking geese via the Mystery which creates all things.”

Additionally find free access to ELCA Stewardship recordings on “The Spirituality of Capital Campaigns,” “Creating a Year-Round Stewardship Calendar,” “Narrative Budget Construction,” “Donor Motivations” or “Four Mindset Shifts” which are perfect for stewardship teams wanting to do some continuing education or for councils curious about what’s happening in the realm of stewardship.

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May 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo: Parkside Lutheran Risks for the Sake of the Gospel

This month the May 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo follows the journey of Parkside Lutheran Church, nestled in North Buffalo, NY, where over the last six years they have been experimenting, risking, and building connections to show "God's doors are open for all" and all are invited to come early and stay late! Plus join us Monday, May 20th for a fabulous webinar on "STORY MATTERS" from Rev. Heather Roth-Johnson, a storyteller, a public speaker, a workshop leader, a writer and in general just a creative soul. We also share our gratitude for all the staff and volunteers who work so hard to plan and execute synod assemblies. Read the memo here! 

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Exploring God's Call: Ministry Inspiration in the April 2024 Mission Support Memo

This month’s ELCA April 2024 Mission Support Memo inspires us to wonder how God might be calling us into ministry and explores how two neighboring synods are finding joy and strength in walking alongside folks in discernment cohorts.  Plus, you do not want to miss the opportunity on May 13th to learn best practices in creating and empowering stewardship teams. This is a time of deep appreciation for all leaders across our church.

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ELCA Mission Support Memo for March 2024

This month our ELCA Mission Support Memo for March 2024 explores how the Central States Synod is equipping leaders through their Ministry Lab ~ an active place to ask questions, learn new ideas, work with different “tools” or resources, and experiment to see what works. They welcome anyone from anywhere to engage in the lab. Also learn about how congregations can join in a Cultivating Generous Congregations Cohort starting in April. We also share our gratitude for congregations submitting Annual Congregational Reports. Read the memo here! 

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ELCA Mission Support Memo: February 2024

We share the ELCA Mission Support Memo for February 2024. This month highlights the beauty and difficulty of attending a closing service of a local church in the Southeast Michigan Synod and how it was "Brutiful".  Also find links to our ELCA resources to SOFIA, these Mission Support Memos, but also Annual Report Covers, Intent templates and more. There is also a heartfelt thank you to all treasurers and bookkeepers across our wider church. Read the memo here.

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December 2023 ELCA Mission Support Memo

This month’s ELCA Mission Support Memo highlights the "Cultivating Generous Congregations" training available in partnership with their Stewardship ministry and the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving. Plus there is an online training on Wednesday, Jan 10th for Synod Treasurers, Bookkeepers and Leaders with Lori Fedyk. View as a PDF here

They would love to hear about the inspiring stories in your synods, regions and congregations - feel free to reach out to Karen at

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Mission Support Memo: November, 2023

The ELCA mission support memo for November, 2023 is available as PDF or as a Word doc. This month they highlight how Mission Support empowers us to be church together, hearing from the Rev. Jonathan Hemphill, assistant to the bishop for congregational life with the Southeastern Synod. They also highlight how to access valuable Stewardship video resources and end sharing how grateful we are the for the ways we stay connected.

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Ecumenical Bonds Strengthened: A Celebratory September for ELCA

This September, ELCA celebrated profound ecumenical unity, highlighted by Bishop Gohl's participation in Bishop Schofield-Broadbent's ordination. Our new Congregation and Synod Support Team and the successful "God's work. Our hands" Sunday reflect our ongoing commitment to shared mission and service. Read more in the September 2023 ELCA Mission Support Memo, available at, as a PDF, or a Word doc.

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Interweaving Faith & Tradition: Alaska Synod's Tale of Resilience

In the latest ELCA Mission Support Memo, explore the deep-rooted interconnectedness and spirituality of the Seward Peninsula in our Alaska Synod, where Inupiaq communities lean on Lutheran values. Learn about their unique challenges, traditions, and the importance of the Seward Peninsula Lutheran Ministry.

Plus, discover opportunities for engagement and understand the pivotal role of Mission Support in the ongoing narrative of our collective ministry.

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Mission Support Memo July 2023: ELCA's Joyous Reunion at the Rostered Ministers Gathering

The ELCA mission support memo for July, 2023 is available as a PDF, as a Word doc, or in this blog post. Join ELCA Mission Support in reflecting on the 2023 Rostered Ministers Gathering in Phoenix. A melting pot of leadership, faith, and inspiration, this gathering fostered connections and reinforced the importance of Mission Support. Learn about the enlightening messages, workshops, and the ongoing mission work that is made possible through the generosity of ELCA members.

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Stories of Faith in Action go digital

ELCA Mission Support unveils a brand-new digital platform for Stories of Faith in Action, featuring content in a modern, dynamic format, mixing video and visual elements with stories to take you further into the work of Mission Support.

This site is a fantastic tool to include in your next stewardship communication or as part of your annual meeting materials.

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