2023 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly
Thanks to all who made our 2023 Assembly possible, watch the 2023 synod assembly, view the 2023 photos, and review our Assembly summary.
Friday and Saturday, June 9 – 10, 2023
Resurrection Lutheran Church, Oro Valley, Tucson area
We gather under the theme, “Be Bold in Your Baptism.”
“As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ”
Quick Links
Resurrection Lutheran Church
We thank Resurrection Lutheran Church for all their help in hosting this year’s assembly and assemblies in years past.
11575 North 1st Avenue, Oro Valley, AZ, 85737 (map)
520-575-9901 or rlc@orovalley.org
Dr. Anthony Bateza
Associate Professor of Religion; Department Chair of Race, Ethnic, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Director of Race and Ethnic Studies, St. Olaf College.
Rev. Sara Cutter
Senior Director of Operational Effectiveness at ELCA Churchwide Organization (ELCA churchwide representative).
Sister Lika Macias
Director of La Casa de la Misericordia y de Todas las Naciones in Nogales, Mexico.
Planning team
Mary Beth Baron, Pr. Rebecca Boardman, Pr. David Brandfass, Barbara Carl, Brian Flatgard, Kathye Hamm, Bishop Deborah Hutterer, Pr. Erin Morris, Laura Musfeldt, Kristina Randolph, Janis Richert, Pr. Mike Sager, Pr. Steve Springer, Theresa Thornburgh
Important Dates
Friday, 4/21/2023: Nominations deadline
Friday, 4/21/2023: Resolutions submission deadline
Monday, 5/1/2023: Mission and ministry stories are due
Tuesday, 5/16/2023: Mission Spending Plan Presentation. Review the mission plan here.
Friday, 5/19/2023: The final report of the Reference and Counsel Committee is available.
Saturday, 5/20/2023: Mission Spending Plan Presentation. Review the mission plan here.
Monday, 5/22/2023: $175 regular registration deadline and Assembly Ministry Partner Tables.
5/22/2023: Assembly Rules of Procedure and official agenda posted, as well as resolutions and memorials and nominations.
The spirit of generosity was clearly demonstrated during our recent Synod Assembly. In this post we share the results of our collective efforts, with our offering worship contributing to nearly $5,000 to ELCA World Hunger and First Call Theological Education, and a bounty of rice, beans, and flour to donate to La Casa de la Misericordia y de Todas las Naciones in Nogales, Mexico.