2022 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly
June 10-11, 2022
Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa, Arizona
Livestream: Facebook.com/GCSynodELCA/
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Livestream: Facebook.com/GCSynodELCA/
Love of Christ Lutheran Church
We thank Love of Christ for all their help in hosting this year’s assembly and assemblies in years past.
1525 N. Power Road, Mesa, AZ 85205 (map)
(480) 981-6199 or info@loclc.org

Rev. Louise Johnson
We were pleased that our visiting Churchwide representative was Rev. Louise Johnson, whose role with the ELCA is Executive for Administration.
Johnson most recently served as the Director of Leadership Development for LEAD, a leadership development non-profit of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the ELCA. Prior to her work with LEAD, she served as the fourteenth president of Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa where she led the seminary to its largest fundraising and enrollment years in the history of the school. Johnson has also held several senior level roles at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia and has served congregations in a variety of roles in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Pennsylvania.

Rev. Roberto Trejo Haager
After numerous Covid-thwarted attempts to arrange a visit, we are blessed that our 2022 Synod Assembly featured a visit from Rev. Roberto Trejo Haager, Pastor President of the Mexican Lutheran Church (Iglesia Luterana Mexicana, ILM).
We are grateful for worshipoubf with Pastor Trejo Haager and hearing updates on our companions in Mexico.
In the video we shared at our 2022 Synod Assembly, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton urges us to follow Luther's example and use modern tools to spread the gospel, just as Luther shared the good news with the help of Gutenberg's printing press. 500 years ago this year, Martin Luther published his first translation of the New Testament into German vernacular.
In this post we share one-minute faith stories from synod council members Erik Rehms, Sue Jensen, and Hannah Manzanares. We initially scheduled a workshop on how to craft your own one-minute faith story, but our presenter got Covid. We hope you’ll find inspiration from these examples to share your faith.
In this post, we try to thank the many people who made our return to in-person assembly possible. We apologize for anyone we’ve neglected. It’s a blessing to have so many who help us be church together at our biggest event of the year..
We start by thanking all the voting members who took the time to participate and travel for our two-day assembly, and by informing themselves on the business of our synod. Your leadership is greatly appreciated.
The Grand Canyon Synod Assembly convened June 10-11, 2022, at Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa, Arizona. Attending were 87 rostered ministers (three were deacons) and 153 lay voting members. The youngest member of our assembly was 17 years old. You can view photos of the assembly here, and watch the entire assembly here.
We thank Pastor Lars Hammar, with Lord of Grace Lutheran in Tucson, for being our official photographer at our assembly. We hope you enjoy this photo gallery.
Enjoy this super-cut of our 2022 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, which is all of our various Facebook livestreams in one video, with all the breaks and pauses removed.
A special thanks to Rob Mills, the audio/video technician with our host church, Love of Christ Lutheran in Mesa, who took the time to compile this video and also filmed and livestreamed our assembly.
Synod Assembly voting members were sent an informational email on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. If you are a voting member and did not receive this email (and you have checked your spam folder!), please call Theresa at the Synod Office at (602) 957-3223.
We’ve also included the information in this post.
After a long assembly week, the Office of the Bishop will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, June 13-14, 2022.
Voting members at the 2022 assembly are encouraged to review two proposed updates to our synod constitution.
By SC20.02.07 the Synod Council recommends the Synod Assembly adopt the non-required amendments as approved by the 2019 Churchwide Assembly. Click here to access the recommended provisions as PDF.
The S7.11.01 bylaw change comes as a recommendation of the 2022 Synod Council, click here to access as PDF.
Just in time for your summer vacation, Synod Secretary Pastor David Brandfass provides us with an updated constitution following our 2022 Synod Assembly. You’ll always find the latest synod constitution on our website’s constitution page.