Synod Assembly 2023 Photos Now Available

Dear friends,

The much-awaited photos from our Synod Assembly 2023 are now available for viewing on this page. Captured through the talented lens of Pastor Lars Hammer, these images provide a vibrant reflection of our time together – a time of worship, fellowship, learning, and celebration. We’ll provide another post soon with more information from each photo.

Whether you're yearning to reminisce about the inspiring moments or curious to catch glimpses of the Assembly you may have missed, we invite you to visit Pastor Lars’s Flickr page and embark on a visual journey of our enriching gathering.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Pastor Lars Hammer for his splendid work as our official photographer. His knack for capturing not just images but emotions and the spirit of the event has given us a priceless treasure trove of memories.

So go ahead, click through the gallery, and let these beautiful images remind you of our shared mission and unity in Christ.