Posts in ELCA
For What Shall We Pray?
  • For peace among nations, especially in Israel/Palestine…

  • For the volcanic eruption in Grindavik, Iceland…

  • For those injured, grieving, or displaced by earthquake in northern China, especially amid freezing temperatures…

  • For the cease-fire to hold and for fair elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo…

  • For all left without power due to storms in the northeastern United States…

  • For feeding ministries and those working to provide basic needs during the holiday season…

  • For families of all shapes and sizes, chosen families, and friendships…

  • For all experiencing grief, depression, loneliness, or need…

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Academy Museum of Motion Pictures features ELCA film A Time for Burning

Produced by Lutheran Film Associates in 1966, A Time for Burning is a 58-minute, black-and-white cinema verite documentary that chronicles the struggle between the pastor of Augustana Lutheran Church in Omaha, Neb., and his all-white congregation as he encourages members to reach out to a neighboring Black church. Bill Jersey, one of the pioneers of cinema verite, and Barbara Connell directed the film, which was nominated for an Academy Award. The film is streaming on The Criterion Channel.

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For What Shall We Pray?
  • For peace among nations, especially among Israel/Palestine and Russia/Ukraine…

  • For victims of terrorist attacks in Pakistan…

  • For those suffering prejudice and hate due to race, religion, gender, or class…

  • For areas suffering due to climate change and for policies that protect environmental concerns…

  • For educators, administrators, and all leaders of educational institutions…

  • For relief and rebuilding efforts following tornadoes in Tennessee…

  • For all who are celebrating and making preparations for winter holidays…

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Faith Lens:

Explore the challenging yet enriching call to step beyond our comfort zones in the latest Faith Lens blog, which delves into the history and current impacts of Indigenous people’s subjugation, drawing parallels to John the Baptist's unsettling call for change and repentance. Engage with thought-provoking questions and activities that encourage embracing Jesus' liberating message of love and justice.

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A Christmas message from the ELCA

In this post, we share “The Prince of Peace at Christmas,” a Christmas message from the ELCA. View as a PDF in English and in Spanish, or as a video.

Bishop Eaton recalls the Christmas message from the angels: "Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace to God's people on Earth." She reminds us that when we greet one another with the sign of peace, “we share the peace, the love of God, and as we do, we know that God has reached from heaven to earth and in the Prince of Peace is sharing God's peace with us.”

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New ways to prepare Lutheran Advent resources offered in a variety of formats

Discover fresh ways to engage with Advent this year, as featured in Living Lutheran. Dive into a variety of innovative resources created by the ELCA, from the Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Synod's new podcast, "The World Is About to Turn," to Church Anew's convenient "Advent in a Box" package, and the enduring appeal of Luther Seminary's traditional daily devotional. These creative tools offer meaningful experiences to deepen your Advent journey, whether at home, in church, or on the go.

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Embracing Stories of Hope: ELCA World Hunger's Journey

Dive into the latest "Go & Do News" from ELCA World Hunger, where Peter McLellan, the new program director for hunger education, emphasizes the power of storytelling in our fight against hunger. Discover the upcoming ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in 2024, explore new Advent and Lent resources, and learn about impactful advocacy efforts. Plus, get inspired by the first ELCA Fall Climate Summit and the celebration of 50 years of ELCA World Hunger's transformative impact.

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Celebrate Christmas New Orleans style and get ready for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

Get into the festive spirit with our New Orleans-themed Christmas Spotify playlist and join us for the much-anticipated 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. With regular registration open until February 14, 2024, at $425 per person there's still plenty of time to add members to your group or invite new friends for an unforgettable faith-formation experience. Read all the latest info in the latest newsletter. Plus, don't miss the opportunity for young adults to become Servant Companions, playing a pivotal role in this life-changing ministry with benefits including housing, food, and a travel stipend.

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Mission Support Memo: November, 2023

The ELCA mission support memo for November, 2023 is available as PDF or as a Word doc. This month they highlight how Mission Support empowers us to be church together, hearing from the Rev. Jonathan Hemphill, assistant to the bishop for congregational life with the Southeastern Synod. They also highlight how to access valuable Stewardship video resources and end sharing how grateful we are the for the ways we stay connected.

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For What Shall We Pray?
  • For peace among nations, especially among Israel/Palestine and Russia/Ukraine…

  • For resolution and reconciliation in all areas of persistent violence and conflict…

  • For victims of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi volcano eruption…

  • For victims of a drone attack in Nigeria…

  • For those facing excessive rain and flood threats in Seattle, WA, and for all facing winter storms…

  • For aid, compassion, and protection for refugees and all migrants…

  • For the easing of political tensions in our nation and around the world…

  • For Jewish neighbors and friends as they prepare for Hanukkah…

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Faith Lens: An Unsettling Call

Explore the challenging yet enriching call to step beyond our comfort zones in the latest Faith Lens blog, which delves into the history and current impacts of Indigenous people’s subjugation, drawing parallels to John the Baptist's unsettling call for change and repentance. Engage with thought-provoking questions and activities that encourage embracing Jesus' liberating message of love and justice.

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November/December 2023 Update: Advocacy Connections

The ELCA Advocacy office's latest update includes critical efforts towards peace in the Israel-Hamas conflict, advocacy for the 2018 Farm Bill extension, support for climate-smart farming, U.S. commitment to end child marriage, and legislative progress on immigration reform. These actions reflect ELCA’s commitment to global justice, environmental stewardship, and gender equality.

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ELCA Presence in Far-Reaching Efforts of COP28

The ELCA has actively participated in the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP28) meeting in Dubai, showcasing its commitment to addressing climate change. Six ELCA representatives, including experts in environmental science, policy, and advocacy, joined global leaders to discuss and devise strategies to combat the climate crisis. The ELCA's engagement at COP28 highlights our church’s dedication to environmental stewardship and its role in contributing to crucial global dialogues on environmental challenges.

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Welcoming Rev. Benjamin B. Bergren to the ELCA Church Council

We're excited to announce the election of Rev. Benjamin B. Bergren to the ELCA Church Council, serving until August 2025. Join us in thanking Pastor Karn Carroll for her impactful service and in welcoming Pastor Bergren, as he brings his ministry experience from Community Lutheran Church in Las Vegas and elsewhere to our churchwide leadership.

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North American Church Leaders Call for Peace in Holy Land in Advent Prayer Resource

The leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) and The Episcopal Church (TEC) have released the Churches Beyond Borders 2023 Advent Cycle of Prayer.

The prayer resource calls for justice and peace, especially for churches impacted by the war in the Holy Land, and for lifting up Palestinian Christian communities and ministries and the congregations and institutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

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Joining the Krewe: Navigating Your Way to the ELCA Youth Gathering

Join the excitement for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans! With over 12,000 young people already registered, it's shaping up to be an unforgettable faith formation experience. Don't worry if you're just starting your planning; we've got tips and a helpful webinar to guide you. Discover how you can bring your group to this life-changing event and be a part of an amazing journey of faith and fellowship.

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For What Shall We Pray? 11/28/2023
  • For peace among nations…

  • For safe return of hostages and for protection for migrants…

  • In lament over acts of violence fueled by hate, prejudice, and fear, especially in Burlington, VT…

  • For areas of the nation facing winter storms, especially in Michigan Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York…

  • In thanksgiving for successful rescue operations following a tunnel collapse in northern India…

  • For victims of political violence in Sierra Leone…

  • For those injured and killed in a South African mine elevator accident, and for their loved ones…

  • For pastors, deacons, musicians, and all church leaders preparing for Advent, and for the congregations they serve…

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