Posts tagged ELCA Advocacy
Urgent Call to Action: Advocate for a Just 2024 Farm Bill

The 2024 Farm Bill is at a critical juncture, and the ELCA is calling for a fair legislation that aligns with our Lutheran values of feeding the hungry and caring for creation. As Congress debates significant issues like SNAP benefits and conservation funding, Lutheran leaders are actively engaging with lawmakers to promote justice and sustainability. Learn how you can join our advocacy efforts and make a difference in shaping a just Farm Bill that supports vulnerable communities and environmental stewardship.

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Lutheran Voices Rising: A Month of Impactful Advocacy from New York to California

The ELCA Advocacy Network was active across various platforms in the last few months, from the UN in New York to state legislatures, focusing on crucial issues like sustainable development, justice, and climate change. Highlights include the ECOSOC Youth Forum’s focus on poverty and climate action, successful advocacy days in California and Pennsylvania, and legislative achievements in Colorado. These efforts reflect the ELCA’s commitment to embodying faith through active engagement and advocacy in critical societal issues.

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Civic Duty and Faith: Join Autumn Byars for Election Engagement Talks

This June, join Autumn Byars every Thursday at 5:30 PM PDT/MST for a series of engaging discussions on the role of young Lutherans in electoral politics. These sessions aim to empower and prepare you for active participation in the upcoming elections. Register here and mark your calendars to be a part of this important civic engagement initiative.

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Lutheran Advocates Unite: A May Recap of Ecumenical Outreach and Policy Engagement

This May, Lutheran advocates have been active from the U.N. to local state legislatures, promoting sustainable development, justice, and community welfare. Highlights include the ECOSOC Youth Forum, California’s successful Lutheran Lobby Day, and significant legislative wins in Colorado. Join us for an upcoming event on June 13 to discuss the Farm Bill, a key policy affecting our communities. Read the full blog post on for more on how Lutherans are making a difference globally and locally.

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ELCA Advocacy May Update: Urgent Action Required on Farm Bill and Environmental Policies

May’s update from the ELCA Advocacy office details the latest on the Farm Bill, introduces new federal environmental rules, and addresses national security supplemental funding and the response to conditions in Haiti. Advocacy efforts focus on ensuring food security, environmental protection, and international humanitarian assistance align with the ELCA’s mission for a just world.

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ELCA Advocacy Pushes for Inclusive and Sustainable 2024 Farm Bill

As the 2024 Farm Bill is debated on Capitol Hill, the ELCA encourages advocacy for a bill that supports feeding the hungry, sustainable farming, and inclusive community development. The blog provides updates on the legislative process, highlights action alerts, and offers resources to engage ELCA members in advocacy for a just and effective Farm Bill.

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Lutheran Voices in the 2024 Elections: Engaging Faithfully in Civic Duties

The ELCA Advocacy's latest updates highlight new initiatives and resources to enhance Lutheran participation in the 2024 elections. From a six-session online series exploring Lutheran civic duties to practical training for poll monitors, these opportunities aim to deepen our engagement and understanding of political processes.

Personal experiences from poll monitors and greeters, like Solveig Muus and Autumn Byars from the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona, offer insights into the practical aspects of ensuring fair and accessible voting processes.

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Act Now for a Just Future: Advocate for the 2024 Farm Bill

The ELCA is actively advocating for the 2024 Farm Bill, urging Congress to pass legislation that provides food security, supports sustainable farming, and promotes inclusivity and environmental stewardship. With the current bill expiring in September 2024, now is a crucial time for action. Engage through the ELCA Action Center, participate in upcoming advocacy webinars, and help shape a Farm Bill that reflects our Lutheran values of care and compassion. Join us in making a difference in our communities and beyond. Read more and learn how @

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ELCA Advocacy April Update: Urgent Actions on Hunger, Health, and Peace

April's updates from the Lutheran Office for World Community and various state public policy offices reveal significant advocacy efforts on critical issues like gender justice at the UN, environmental sustainability, and public health across the United States. Key activities included legislative engagements, advocacy training, and impactful community discussions aiming to influence policy at both state and national levels.

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ELCA Advocacy Highlights: From UN Gender Equality to State-Level Legislative Wins

April's updates from the Lutheran Office for World Community and various state public policy offices reveal significant advocacy efforts on critical issues like gender justice at the UN, environmental sustainability, and public health across the United States. Key activities included legislative engagements, advocacy training, and impactful community discussions aiming to influence policy at both state and national levels.

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ELCA Advocacy March Update: Budget Wins and Housing Initiatives

Explore the ELCA Advocacy's March 2024 updates on pressing legislative matters, including the Federal Budget's impact on hunger and housing, the progress of the Yes In God's Back Yard Act for affordable housing, and the efforts towards wildlife conservation and Uyghur human rights. Discover the ELCA's call for ceasefire and support for UNRWA funding, along with its solidarity with Annunciation House, reflecting its commitment to peace, human rights, and support for the vulnerable.

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Beyond the Booth: Voting as a Testament to Justice and Equality

The ELCA Advocacy blog post by William Milner and Alex Parker explores the profound significance of election engagement from a faith-based perspective. Highlighting the enthusiasm for the democratic process and the sacred calling to steward democracy, the authors encourage active civic participation as an act of service to neighbors and a commitment to justice.

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ELCA Advocacy Highlights Urgent Legislative Actions in February Update

February's Advocacy Connections from the ELCA Advocacy office outlines critical updates on social justice initiatives, including the expansion of the Child Tax Credit, potential funding shortfalls for the WIC program, and legislative efforts to protect human rights defenders. The update also highlights ongoing advocacy for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and concerns over proposed changes to immigration law, emphasizing the ELCA's commitment to social justice and humanitarian aid.

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Early 2024 Advocacy Highlights: ELCA's State-by-State Efforts for Change

The ELCA Advocacy blog shares crucial updates from various State Public Policy Offices, focusing on legislative efforts across states like California, Ohio, Texas, and Washington. From budget challenges to advocacy victories and ongoing community engagement events, the updates underscore the collaborative work for justice and public policy reform.

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