Posts tagged Office of the Bishop
Bishop Deborah Hutterer Annual Report: 2024

The theme of our 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, “Embody the Word,” serves as a powerful reminder of the vibrant faith we have been gifted through our baptism into Jesus Christ. It's a call to open ourselves to God's transformative power, enabling us to boldly embody our true purpose as individuals and as the Body of Christ.

As disciples within the ELCA, we are called to courageously articulate the truths and beliefs deeply rooted in our faith. In our divided world, and even within our congregations, silence can often widen gaps of misunderstanding and division more than the spoken word. It is crucial that we not retreat from our responsibility to voice justice, peace, and reconciliation.

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Rev. Dan Potaznick Annual Report: 2024

There are many ways generosity is expressed in the church. The gift of leadership is offered by each conference dean, team & committee member, council member, and worship leader. The gift of time is offered by every attendee of Synod Assembly and volunteers who serve our neighbors. The gift of money is offered by weekly offering to the congregation, congregational mission support to the synod, mission support tithe to churchwide ministry, extraordinary gifts from congregations & donors, and planned gifts that continue a legacy of love in Christ.

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Office of the Bishop to Close for Post-Assembly Rest, Juneteenth Celebration Ahead

The Office of the Bishop will be closed on June 17th and 18th for post-assembly rest. We will also observe June 19th as a holiday to commemorate Juneteenth, reflecting on freedom and justice. We thank everyone who contributed to our assembly’s success and encourage our community to honor this significant day. Join us in celebrating and contemplating our steps towards a more equitable society.

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Rev. Jacqui Pagel Annual Report: 2024

Pastor Jacqui Pagel, Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy and Faith Formation, reports significant strides in nurturing leadership and spiritual development across the Grand Canyon Synod. The Candidacy program is flourishing, with 27 candidates poised for pastoral roles, and anticipates ordaining deacons for the first time in fourteen years. Additionally, the Grand Canyon Synod is among the top ten synods for candidate numbers.

Efforts in Lutheran Campus Ministry have continued robustly despite pastoral retirements, maintaining vital support and faith exploration spaces for students across multiple campuses. Pastor Jacqui also highlights the impactful financial support provided to seminary students through the Funds for Leaders program, alleviating the burden of educational expenses. Her report encapsulates our synod’s ongoing commitment to forming faith-filled leaders equipped to serve and enrich their communities.

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Interim DEM’s Pastor James Dew Annual Report: 2024

Thank you for this opportunity to serve you throughout this past year as your Interim Director for Evangelical Mission. In this role, I have been honored to walk alongside an amazing collection of gifted leaders and a whole array of diverse programs being lived-out in and through their ministries. I have marveled at the heartfelt and transformative care being poured out into their surrounding neighborhoods and beyond in Jesus’ Name.

A couple months ago, our Synod Council asked for a listing of the various congregations and ministries which I accompany in my work as your Interim DEM. I believe this list may be of interest also to this Synod Assembly. Read the list in this post or in this PDF.

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