One Body, Many Gifts: Strengthen Our Synod by Sharing Your Updates

The Grand Canyon Synod is a vibrant community of faith, united in mission and ministry across Arizona, southern Nevada, St. George, Utah, and the Navajo Nation. Every congregation plays a vital role in this shared work—and we want to hear from you!

Whether your church is hosting a special event, organizing a service project, seeking volunteers, or looking to fill a ministry position, your updates help build a stronger, more connected synod. By sharing your news, you can inspire others, invite participation, and celebrate the ways God is at work in our communities.

How to Submit Your News

It’s easy to share! Simply visit to fill out our quick submission form. Whether it’s a one-time event, an ongoing ministry, or an opportunity for service, we encourage you to contribute.

Why It Matters

As Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, we are one body with many members, each bringing unique gifts to the table. By sharing your congregation’s updates, you’re not only informing others—you’re strengthening the bonds of faith and action across our synod.

Don’t let your ministry go unnoticed. Take a moment today to submit your news, and help us tell the ongoing story of God’s work in our synod!

📢 Submit your stories now: