Posts tagged Augsburg Fortress
2022 1517 Media assembly report

1517 Media (Augsburg Fortress, Beaming Books, Broadleaf Books, Fortress Press, Sparkhouse) shares 10 things to know about 1517 Media as their annual report, as well as a slideshow, which includes the following coupon:

2022 Summer Savings: Purchase $100 or more at and save $25 now through August 30, 2022. Use Promo code SUMMER2022 at checkout.

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Celebrating One Year of All Creation Sings

All Creation Sings, the worship and song supplement to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, released in late November 2020.

The ELCA Worship Staff would like to know how you’ve gotten to know All Creation Sings since its release last Advent. What is a newly discovered hymn or song that has worked very well in your assembly? Have you used elements of Settings 11 or 12 over this past year?

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Teaching Helps for “Short Songs” in All Creation Sings

All Creation Sings includes several short songs that can be taught “paperlessly,” that is, singing together without printed or projected words or music for worship.

This kind of singing is often ideal for small retreats or outdoor settings in addition to weekly worship. This post guides you to several audio-video resources.

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Singing at the Vigil of Easter with All Creation Sings

New Fire. Easter Proclamation. Ancient stories. Baptismal waters. Bread and wine. This is the night. As you plan worship for the Vigil of Easter, All Creation Sings offers many and various ways for us to sing the centrality of our faith.

2021, like its 2020 counterpart, will be unique in how the Easter Vigil liturgy is offered.

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Denise Rector: The Work of Lamenting Racism in All Creation Sings

Why a lament, as opposed to a prayer or litany? This lament is intended as an action that acknowledges what has been broken in our relationship with our neighbor – the neighbor that we as the ELCA are called to love as we love ourselves. Specifically this lament is a way to recognize points of brokenness in the relationship between the ELCA and African Americans.

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The catechism in a new context: Lutheran scholars of African descent add their experience 

In 2014, during the lead-up to the commemoration of the Reformation’s 500th anniversary, a group of African descent Lutheran theologians gathered to explore and reflect on Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. While affirming the catechism’s gift in the life of the church, they recognized the importance of broadening its explanations of Christian faith to address the experience of Lutherans of African descent.

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2021 worship resources from Augsburg Fortress

Augsburg Fortress has great worship resources for congregations and individuals available for 2021, some as inexpensive as three or four dollars.

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