A Familiar Name, New Resources: Augsburg Fortress Publishers is Back

Dear partners in ministry,

Something is changing this fall—our name. The Publishing House of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)—the official name of our parent organization—is reverting to our previous "doing business as" name of Augsburg Fortress Publishers. With this change, we return to a name that has wide recognition and resonance within the ELCA and beyond, and that connects us to our roots as an always-reforming publishing ministry that responds to our rapidly changing world. What isn't changing is our commitment as your denominational publisher: to create substantive and innovative materials to support you and your congregation in communicating the good news of God's liberating grace. Here are a few new and upcoming ways we're demonstrating that commitment:

Lutheran Learning Resources

We've launched two new Augsburg Fortress book series. "For the Sake of the World: ReEngaging ELCA Social Teaching" invites us to consider how ELCA social statements and social messages can guide our faith and deepen our moral discernment regarding today's complex ethical issues. The "Mouth House" series helps people of faith navigate and respond to critical societal issues together. We regularly add new content to Sparkhouse Digital, a platform that offers unlimited access to Sparkhouse leader resources and reproducibles across early childhood, children and youth. And coming in 2025: a revised and expanded Lutheran Study Bible featuring the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition, a new Bible study series called "Together by Grace: Bible Conversations" and a new Lutheran confirmation curriculum.

Ongoing Worship Renewal

All Creation Sings, a worship supplement to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, and its family of supporting resources continues to enliven and renew worship in this church. Regular additions to SundaysandSeasons.com and Prelude Music Planner, along with new handbooks for musicians and worship planners, support and assist both leaders and worshiping assemblies.

Synod Advocates

This fall we are launching our new Augsburg Fortress Synod Advocate program, with 48 synods already signed on to receive free books and resource curation.

In addition to our two congregationally focused imprints, Augsburg Fortress and Sparkhouse, Augsburg Fortress Publishers serves higher education learning and scholars, children, and adult general readers through its other three imprints:

  • Fortress Press publishes books that advance scholarship, learning and the practice of ministry to support students and teachers across the ecumenical and interreligious landscape.

  • Beaming Books publishes vibrant children's books that help kids thrive socially, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Broadleaf Books publishes books for general readers that nourish souls, ignite minds and promote the common good.

Rooted. Reforming. Responsive. As your partners in the gospel, we are here to serve you and support your ministries. We are grateful for your continued support.

The Rev. Suzanne Burke
Publisher, Congregational Resources
Augsburg Fortress Publishers

Tim Blevins
President and CEO
Augsburg Fortress Publishers