Office of the Bishop to Close for Post-Assembly Rest, Juneteenth Celebration Ahead

Rest, Renew, and Recognize

As we wrap up the blessings and hard work of our annual assembly, the Office of the Bishop will take a well-deserved rest. Our offices will be closed on June 17th and 18th, allowing our staff and volunteers time to rejuvenate. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this year’s assembly. Your dedication and spirit have been the light guiding our collective efforts.

Additionally, we will observe June 19th as an official holiday to commemorate Juneteenth, a day that marks a pivotal moment in our nation’s history—the end of slavery. This is a time for reflection, education, and acknowledgment of a journey towards freedom, values deeply resonant with our Lutheran faith. We encourage our community to engage in local events and advocacy actions that honor this day and reflect on how we, as a Church, can continue to support justice and equity.

We look forward to rejoining our duties on June 20th with renewed spirits and hearts full of gratitude. Let us take this time to rest, reflect, and celebrate the strides we make towards a more just and compassionate world.