Discover Transformative Workshops at the 2024 Synod Assembly

Join us on Friday afternoon at our annual synod assembly for two enlightening sessions, each offering a diverse lineup of workshops designed to empower and educate. Our workshops, each 45 minutes long with a fifteen-minute break in between, promise to enrich your ministry and personal faith journey.

Advocacy and Action with LAMA

Dive into the heart of Lutheran advocacy with Solveig Muus and Autumn Byars, who lead the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona (LAMA). They will share updates on statewide efforts to engage Lutherans in advocacy and education, aiming for systemic change in areas like hunger, water resources, and civic engagement. Don’t miss insights into LAMA’s legislative work and initiatives like the annual Lutheran Day at the Legislature.

Estate Planning with Pastor Steve Talmage

Pastor Steve Talmage offers a workshop on the crucial task of estate planning. Learn how to arrange your financial and legal affairs to bless those you leave behind, ensuring your spiritual and material legacies are well preserved. This session is especially valuable for rostered ministers and congregational leaders, providing actionable resources for stewardship of life and legacy.

Innovative Outreach with Deacon Laura Book

Explore creative outreach strategies in ‘Toddler Time Outreach’. Deacon Laura Book will demonstrate how your congregation can forge strong intergenerational ties and support young families. Expect an interactive session with a parent-toddler mock class and practical lesson plans to take back to your community.

Military Chaplaincy with Chaplain Matt Dobyns

Chaplain Matt Dobyns will shed light on the unique challenges and roles of military chaplains, including combating Moral Injury distinct from PTSD. Learn how your congregation can support veterans and their families, enriching your community’s support network.

Congregational Vitality Assessment

The Congregational Vitality Team invites you to consider your church’s health through new analytical lenses. Like a physical check-up, this workshop will help you identify and improve your congregation’s vitality signs, fostering growth and sustainability.

These sessions are designed to not only inform but also inspire you to bring back valuable tools and insights to your congregations. Join us in these collaborative environments to grow in faith and leadership!