Lutheran Voices in the 2024 Elections: Engaging Faithfully in Civic Duties

The ELCA Advocacy's latest updates highlight new initiatives and resources to enhance Lutheran participation in the 2024 elections. From a six-session online series exploring Lutheran civic duties to practical training for poll monitors, these opportunities aim to deepen our engagement and understanding of political processes. Reflecting our theological commitment to civic participation, these efforts ensure our community remains an active, informed voice in shaping public policies.

Personal experiences from poll monitors and greeters, like Solveig Muus and Autumn Byars from the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona, offer insights into the practical aspects of ensuring fair and accessible voting processes.

As we approach the heart of the 2024 election season, the ELCA remains committed to fostering informed and active participation across our communities. This year, various Lutheran bodies have launched initiatives and training opportunities aimed at enhancing our understanding of civic responsibilities and encouraging full engagement in the electoral process.

Upcoming Training and Initiatives Our journey begins with an exciting online series running from June to October, hosted by the ELCA and United Lutheran Seminary. This six-session monthly series poses the vital question, "What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year?" It explores how our faith can shape our actions and decisions in the political sphere, using ELCA’s social teachings. Interested participants can register via the provided QR code on the promotional flyers.

Another significant opportunity is the North/West Lower Michigan Synod’s six-week series starting September 3, titled "Witnessing to Christ and Love for Neighbor in an Election Year." This series delves into the intersections of faith and civic engagement, and registration is open until August 24.

The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy is championing the "One Hundred Percent Voting Congregations" initiative, urging congregations to commit to full participation in the voting process, emphasizing our collective responsibility as people of faith.

Reflective Resources To complement these initiatives, several resources have been developed:

Theological Underpinnings Our engagement is deeply rooted in Lutheran theology, which views civic participation as an extension of our baptismal vocation. This is not merely a volunteer effort; it is a response to God's call for active citizenship to ensure the common good (Jeremiah 29:7, Romans 13:1-7).

By participating in these programs and resources, we not only fulfill our civic duties but also live out our faith in meaningful, community-enhancing ways. For more information, resources, and registration details, visit and