2024 Assembly Guide: Schedule, Registration, and What to Bring

We are thrilled to welcome you to the 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, themed “Embody the Word,” from June 13-15 at Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa, AZ. This year’s assembly includes a Bishop’s election, making it a particularly significant event for our community. Everything you need to know to ensure a smooth and enriching experience will be on our Attendee Vital Information page, which we will keep updated with info as we receive it. Highlights of the page below…

Day-of Registration Details

Due to the Bishop’s election, voting members had to register by May 20, 2024. There will be no voting member registration at the door. On-site check-in for pre-registered attendees will be on Thursday, June 13 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM and on Friday, June 14 from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM. Please ensure you are checked in by 9:00 AM to participate in the first ballot vote. Registration will be held in the narthex of the Sanctuary, with exhibits and snacks available in the Sanctuary building. Assembly business will be conducted in the Center of Compassion.

Schedule Highlights

Thursday, June 13, 2024

• 5:00 PM: Registration opens with a service project during registration.

• 7:30 PM: Hymn Festival.

Friday, June 14, 2024

• 7:00 AM: Registration continues.

• 9:00 AM: Call to order and first ballot vote.

• 10:00 AM: Worship service.

• 11:15 AM: Plenary session with financial report and synod business.

• 12:15 PM: Lunch.

• 1:15 PM: Assembly resumes.

• 1:45 PM: Bible study with Rev. Dr. Colleen Windham Hughes, CLU.

• 6:15 PM: Dinner.

• 7:15 PM: Evening activities including bingo and election business.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

• 8:30 AM: Assembly resumes with synod business and reports.

• 9:45 AM: Chaplain Capt Matthew W. Dobyns speaks.

• 11:45 AM: Worship and closing of assembly.

• 12:30 PM: Lunch and departure.

Preparation Tips

To prepare for the Assembly, review all the information on our Assembly website. Key items include the Bishop’s election, resolutions, nominations, and rules of procedure. Engage in our Q&A Zoom sessions for the 2025-2026 Mission Plan hosted by Erik Rehms, Synod Treasurer, and Barbara Carl, Synod Vice-President. These sessions are on Tuesday, May 28 at 5:30 PM MST/PDT and Saturday, June 1 at 9:00 AM MST/PDT.

What to Bring

• Refillable water bottle and coffee container.

• Umbrella for sun protection.

• Comfortable clothing and a light sweater.

• Pen.

• Smartphone or device for internet access.


Free childcare is available on Friday and Saturday. If you need childcare and haven’t registered yet, contact Kathye Hamm at khamm@gcsynod.org by June 1.

Stay Updated

Visit our Assembly home page at gcsynod.org for the latest updates and detailed information. For any questions, contact Kathye Hamm (khamm@gcsynod.org) or Theresa Thornburgh (office@gcsynod.org) at (602) 957-3223.

We look forward to gathering with you to “Embody the Word” and participate in this significant event for our synod.