We are so excited that you will help us “Embody the Word” at our 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly!
On this page you’ll find important information for the best possible experience at the assembly. For all the info, visit our assembly home page or scroll down for the menu at the bottom of this page.
The week of the Assembly, the usual home page at gcsynod.org will converted to our assembly home page. By just visiting gcsynod.org, you can find quick links to all the information you need, easily accessible by mobile phone or tablet. We’ll also post any updates during the assembly to our site.
Important DAY-of Registration Information
Because we are holding a Bishop election at this assembly, voting members had to register by our May 20, 2024 deadline. There will be no voting member registration “at the door.” Please do not bring unregistered guests with you. Thank you for understanding!
On-site check-in and official voting member registration (for pre-registered attendees only) will be held on Thursday, June 13 at 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., and again at 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 14. Please be checked in by 9:00 a.m. so that you can vote in the first ballot.
Registration will be held in the narthex of the Sanctuary this year, and our exhibits and snacks will be located in the Sanctuary building. The Assembly business will be conducted in the Center of Compassion. Watch for additional information on workshop locations as we get closer to the Assembly.
Free childcare is provided on Friday and Saturday during the Assembly. Children should have been registered in advance, but if you have suddenly found yourself in need of childcare for the Assembly, please contact Kathye Hamm at khamm@gcsynod.org prior to June 1.
Review all the information on the Assembly website, especially the following items where there will be a vote:
Nominations and Nominees
Mission Plan Presentations (when posted)
View our 2024 Assembly home page, view the links below, or contact Kathye Hamm (khamm@gcsynod.org) or Theresa Thornburgh at office@gcsynod.org, or (602) 957-3223.
2024 Grand Canyon Assembly
LOCATION and times
1525 North Power Road, Mesa, AZ, 85207 (Google map)
(480) 981-6199
Refillable water bottle. There will be filling stations in each building.
Refillable coffee container
Umbrella (if you are sun-sensitive) for walking in between buildings
Comfortable clothing – and a light sweater if you tend to get cold!
Smart phone or other device for accessing the internet.
How You Can Contribute to our Giving Focus: ELCA Federal Chaplains
Your generosity can light the way for exemplary pastors and seminary students to serve as federal chaplains. Here’s how you can make a difference:
At the Assembly: Please bring a check or cash payable to Grand Canyon Synod, earmarked for this vital ministry with “ELCA Chaplains” in the memo line.
Online: Visit www.gcsynod.org/give to make a digital donation. Remember to add “ELCA Chaplains” in the memo line to ensure your gift is directed appropriately.
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”