Friday, JUNE 11, 2021

Before we get to synod business, we’ll gather Friday evening to connect. These events will be online and open to everybody.

  • Diakonia worship and graduation

  • Welcome and happy hour, with opportunities to get to know each other in smaller breakout rooms.

Saturday, JUNE 12, 2021

Saturday’s events will be streamed via Facebook live to everyone. Voting members attend via Zoom.

  • Zoom opens: 8:30 am

  • Assembly opens with music, devotion, and prayer, 9 am

  • Plenary session #1, 9:30 am

    • General assembly business

    • Mission spending plan

    • Reference and counsel report

    • Resolutions

    • Nominating committee report

    • Prayer

    • Elections

  • Break, 10:15 am

  • Bishop and Council reports

    • In memoriam

    • Launch appeal

    • Breakout sessions

  • Plenary session #2

  • Freed in Christ bible study (with breakout sessions)

  • Plenary session #3 (optional)

  • Lunch break, 12:15 pm

  • Return, 1 pm

  • Election results

  • Churchwide report with Rev. Albert Starr, Senior Advisor, Ethnic Diversity

  • Recognitions and celebrations

  • DEM report with Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta

  • Break

  • Aligning with Future Church as a synod (with breakout sessions)

  • Plenary session #4 (optional)

  • Break

  • Worship, 3:30 pm

  • Conclusion, 4:30 pm