Posts in Stories of Hope
Linda Jacobson reflects on 38 years of mission

Many years ago, Linda Jacobson changed a tire on a rural road near Arusha, Tanzania. She wasn’t strong enough to turn the lug nuts, but she figured out what to do. “I jumped on the tire wrench to turn it,” she remembered. “The car was full of women, and my daughters recall that, as we drove away, I yelled out the window to the group of men watching, ‘Wanawake wanaweza!’ Women are able!”

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Pay-what-you-can café serves community

“This isn’t a soup kitchen where people get in line and are getting whatever we give you,” said chef and kitchen manager Angelique Gilyard. “We give the people the choice in what they have. You can have your sandwich toasted if you want, the whole sandwich or just the bread. If you want to take your meal home, that’s fine.”

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Rev. Ron Glusenkamp named one of 2021's Distinguished Alumni at LSTC

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) has named five 2021 Distinguished Alumni, including Rev. Ronald Glusenkamp, who is currently serving as Interim Pastor at Desert Hills Lutheran in Green Valley. Learn more at the LSTC website.

The Rev. Ronald Glusenkamp (Christ Seminary-Seminex, 1980, MDiv), who recently celebrated 40 years of ordained ministry, will receive the Called to Lead Award.

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Vida Nueva shares summer update

In this post, we share a summer update from Iglesia Luterana Vida Nueva in Glendale, full of images and good news.

Thank God, Iglesia Luterana "Vida Nueva" survived Covid 19 and starting in May with new strength. We continue to minister to Christian people, the Hispanic community and in a special way to immigrants. We thank God and the Grand Canyon Synod for the spiritual and financial support that you give us, so we can continue the ministry of the Church, serve the community and be able to plan for growth and become self-reliant.

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Hodza Yaa Ahalyani (Wisdom Keepers) begin leadership journey

Sunday, August 8, 2021 launched an exciting new era at the Navajo Lutheran Mission, as local Navajo leadership is being developed at the Mission’s House of Prayer.

The new Hodza Yaa Ahalyani (Wisdom Keepers) are Rock Point residents Patty Charley, Patterson Yazzie, and Benedict Bedoni, who were affirmed in ceremonies by Bishop Hutterer, Reverend Jacqueline Pagel, and Mission Pastor Kate Adelman.

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Rally in the Valley offers parting gift to Growing Generosity

Rally in the Valley was an annual event that engaged seniors through speakers, discussion groups, fellowship, and worship. Their treasurer, Dennis Haugan, recently presented the Bishop a $6,842.42 check towards our Growing Generosity Appeal.

This amount represents the entire balance of the funds in their treasury, as their organization will no longer be active. Their planning team voted unanimously to give the funds to the Synod for the appeal designated toward LAMA with the focus of advocating on behalf of seniors.

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Jeff Musfeldt serves on the BeConnected Faith Network Advisory Committee

Jeff Musfeldt recently became the Lutheran representative on the BeConnected Faith Network Advisory Committee. Encouraging faith communities to support service members, veterans and their families is a major focus of the Arizona Coalition for Military Families (see We thank Jeff for all of his service, both to country and our church.

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Each New Day devotionals available from Pastor Ken Nyhusmoen

As the world faced the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Pastor Ken Nyhusmoen took to his keyboard, writing inspiring devotionals to share with the people of Desert Hills Lutheran Church of Green Valley, Arizona.

Pastor Nyhusmoen now makes these devotionals available to everyone in Each New Day: Meditations During Challenging Times. Available in a variety of formats on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Google Play.

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Brainstorming ideas from our 2021 Synod Assembly

At our assembly in June, Pastors Karn Carroll and Jacqui Pagel led the assembly in break-out sessions. In this post, we’ve compiled attendee’s answers to three questions posed:

  1. Think for a moment about someone who might be new, young, or diverse to your congregation, then share with your breakout group, one new idea you could do to welcome them.

  2. Discuss with your group about one new relevant issue your congregation should address and how?

  3. Name one thing that we might connect with: school, business, community.

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The Generosity Project launches new website

The Grand Canyon Synod's Stewardship team is excited to announce the creation of a comprehensive website for The Generosity Project at

The website was made possible by a portion of a grant the Grand Canyon Synod’s Stewardship Team received from SOLI (Stewardship of Life Institute) to support the development of The Generosity Project across our synod.

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Local Navajos to become worship leaders and spiritual guides

In partnership with the Grand Canyon Synod, House of Prayer has entered into a program for training local Navajo leaders to serve as ‘Wisdom Keepers’ and spiritual guides.

During the month of July, perspective candidates for leadership are committed to a time of prayerful consideration. On Sunday, August 8, 2021, Bishop Hutterer and Pastor Jacqui Pagel will be present to affirm the candidates choosing to move forward.

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LSSN March 2021 Newsletter

Lutheran Social Services of Nevada’s March, 2021 newsletter features the grand opening of their 3,000 square feet DigiMart, which opened on February 16, 2021. The expanded food pantry — made possible by a $490,000 Impact Grant awarded by Nevada Women's Philanthropy — enables LSSN to serve 5,000 additional households and capacity to store 80,000 pounds of food.

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Sierra Evangelical Lutheran Church sends Lenten gift bags to members

Rick Radwick writes and shares that Sierra Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sierra Vista, assembled Lenten Gift Bags for all of their members.

In an attempt to help keep everyone connected during these isolating times, some members put together Lenten gift bags to be delivered the weekend before Ash Wednesday.

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SOFIA: God has enlightened us

In this week’s Story of Faith in Action (SOFIA): On Aug. 5, 2019, as the ELCA Churchwide Assembly met to elect leaders and make decisions regarding the future, Salvadoran Lutherans gathered for a similar reason.

For them, the day was historic: the Salvadoran Lutheran Church (SLC) ordained 14 pastors, increasing its roster from 35 to 49. Bolstered in part by Mission Support funds, the SLC provided training and support for these new leaders as they pursued a path to ordination.

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SOFIA: Empowered to empower others

In this week’s Story of Faith in Action (SOFIA): Leaving her home in Suriname for Augsburg University, Minneapolis, Sarah Abendanon felt frightened and excited.

Abendanon’s home church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Suriname, had endorsed her to pursue her bachelor’s degree in the United States through the ELCA’s International Women Leaders (IWL) program.

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