Posts tagged International Women Leaders (IWL) program
International Women Leaders 2023 Back to School Gathering video

A new school year has begun, and International Women Leaders (IWL) scholarship recipients are studying at ELCA colleges and universities across the country. Watch a video of this virtual gathering on October 11, 2023, where a few current IWL students and an alum spoke about how this program has impacted their lives. For more information, or to support IWL, visit

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ELCA bishops celebrate our women leaders

In observance of International Women’s Day, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, along with the Rev. Patricia Davenport, bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and the Rev. Brenda Bos, bishop of the ELCA Southwest California Synod, celebrate and recognize the women leaders in our global Lutheran community. for more info.

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Celebrate International Women’s Day video

In this message to congregations, current International Women Leaders (IWL) scholarship recipients share what their scholarships mean to them and their communities. International Women’s Day is March 8. The ELCA celebrates this day by uplifting the IWL program, which provides scholarships for emerging women leaders from our companion churches around the world to study at ELCA colleges and universities, ELCA seminaries and other institutions. The following Sunday, congregations are encouraged to take a special offering for IWL. Give to IWL at:

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Double your congregation’s impact for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is March 8, 2023. The ELCA celebrates this day by uplifting the International Women Leaders (IWL) program.

On the following Sunday, March 12, we encourage your congregation to take a special offering for IWL. In honor of International Women’s Day, all gifts to IWL will be matched dollar for dollar until we reach $50,000 — your gifts will go twice as far! Read more here.

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SOFIA: Empowered to empower others

In this week’s Story of Faith in Action (SOFIA): Leaving her home in Suriname for Augsburg University, Minneapolis, Sarah Abendanon felt frightened and excited.

Abendanon’s home church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Suriname, had endorsed her to pursue her bachelor’s degree in the United States through the ELCA’s International Women Leaders (IWL) program.

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