Posts tagged Global Mission
Global Mission in Focus: Rev. Soliette Lopez Shares Her Journey with YAGM Mexico

Rev. Soliette Lopez, ELCA missionary and YAGM Mexico Country Coordinator, highlights her recent activities and the impactful stories from the Young Adults in Global Mission program in her latest newsletter for March-May 2024. She shares experiences from the Discernment Interview Placement event in Chicago, personal and community life in Mexico, and plans for her upcoming visits to the United States. To read more about her inspiring journey and how you can support their mission, visit her newsletter at Rev. Soliette Lopez’s Newsletter.

She will be visiting the United States this July 2024 and then March 2025 if any congregations are interested in an in-person visit and update.

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From Zimbabwe to Serbia: ELCA's Active Role in Global Humanitarian Efforts

In their May/June 2024 Global Links update, ELCA Global Mission highlights its enduring commitment to addressing global hunger and poverty through initiatives like AMMPARO, which supports migrants and refugees worldwide. The program, alongside other ELCA efforts such as advocacy for a ceasefire in Gaza and the deployment of missionaries globally, reflects the church's proactive engagement in fostering justice and peace across nations.

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ELCA Global Links: October/November 2023

Amidst the turmoil of the Israel-Hamas conflict, we stand with our global family in prayer and support. Read the latest Global Links newsletter for updates on the crisis, mission stories of hope, and ways to get involved. They also share mission personnel updates, new Advent resources and the ongoing Truth and Healing Movement.

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Moving Together: A Glimpse into Faith & Unity in Zambia

Experience the vibrancy of faith and community life in Zambia with ELCA Global Missionary Pastor Kristin Engstrom. From notable events like the 2023 ELCZa Church Assembly and Service of Ordination in Zambezi to the joyful moments of the Lusaka District Youth Camp, her September Newsletter is filled with inspiration and divine revelations. Witness how "ti yenda pamozi," or moving together, manifests in this part of the world.

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Accented Journeys: Embracing Imperfections in Faithful Accompaniment

While serving as global missionaries in Central Europe, Aaron Fuller and his partner grapple with the complexities of the Hungarian language. Through experiences of vulnerability and connection, they discover the essence of "accompaniment" in faith – not in mastery, but in the journey of solidarity and mutual connection with God and others. Read more in Living Lutheran.

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Pastor Kristin Engstrom's July 2023 newsletter

Winter greetings from Zambia, dear siblings in Christ. Yes, you read that correctly, it is winter here in the southern hemisphere.  

In addition to these winter greetings, I share with you my July 2023 Newsletter, as a PDF, or download it on my blog: In it, you will find news of my recent work with the youth and young adults of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia and a reading recommendation so you can immerse yourself a bit into Zambian life.

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Global Links: July/August, 2023

ELCA Global Mission shares their Global Links newsletter for July/August, 2023. Meet the new YAGM volunteers preparing for service in global communities and celebrate the centennial ministry of Lutheran churches in Cameroon and Central African Republic. Discover how you can get involved and deepen your understanding of global fellowship in their latest ELCA Global Links update.

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Pastor Kristin Engstrom's April 2023 newsletter

Here in Zambia, I gathered with five congregations in the Lusaka city area for Easter weekend celebrations.  There were workshops, shared meals, worship, singing, and on Easter morning, we even marched on the side of the highway in front of the church to share the good news that Jesus is risen!  Yesu, a uka! 

In more good news, I’m sharing my April 2023 newsletter as a PDF. The Newsletter is also available to view and download on my blog: Please share the Newsletter with your congregation and anyone who might be interested.

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YAGM final application deadline is 2/1/2023

The final deadline to apply for Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) is Feb. 1, 2023.

Now even more communities are ready to welcome you. The YAGM team recently announced that the Mexico and Central Europe country programs will be reopening in 2023. Volunteers will have the opportunity to serve there and in four other country programs. Learn more at

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YAGM priority deadline is 1/15/2023

The priority deadline to apply for Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) is Jan. 15, 2023. The final application deadline is Feb. 1, 2023.

Now even more communities are ready to welcome you. The YAGM team recently announced that the Mexico and Central Europe country programs will be reopening in 2023. Volunteers will have the opportunity to serve there and in four other country programs. Learn more at

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YAGM applications are now open

The ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program is ready for new volunteers! Applications are now open, and you can invite young adults on this journey abroad for the 2023-2024 program year.

If you know young adults aged 21 to 29, this is the time to reach out. Encourage them to apply for YAGM by the deadline of Feb.1, 2023. (Priority deadline is Jan. 15, 2023.) YAGM volunteers will begin in August 2023. Learn more at

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