Posts tagged Homelessness
Bishop Eaton Expresses Disappointment in Grants Pass Supreme Court Decision

In her letter responding to recent Grants Pass Supreme Court decision, Bishop Eating encourages us as a church to:

  • Learn and Engage: Let us educate ourselves about housing insecurity and about justice for the homeless. Visit the ELCA Homeless and Justice Network for more information. 

  • Pray: Let us use the ELCA's Homeless and Justice Ministries dedicated devotional guide to pray for those affected by this decision and for our ministries that work to secure shelter for those in need. 

  • Speak Out: Let us review the ELCA World Hunger resource on housing and engage in activities to support effective policies, such as writing a letter to a local news outlet or speaking out at a town hall. 

“Criminalizing homelessness is an injustice we must reject. We remain committed to advocating for our unhoused neighbors.”

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HB2815 Update: Faith Advocacy Influences House Passage

HB2815, known as the 'Yes In God’s Back Yard' bill, received significant support from faith leaders and passed the Arizona House with a 38-21 vote. Advocacy by the religious community, including Bishop Deborah Hutterer, played a pivotal role in raising awareness and influencing lawmakers. Read more on the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) site.

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‘Yes in God’s Backyard’ Seeks to Transform Church Lands into Homes

Religious leaders across Arizona, including Bishop Hutterer, rallied at the state Capitol to support legislative efforts aimed at alleviating the affordable housing crisis. They advocated for a bill, “Yes in God’s Backyard,” to permit religious institutions to develop affordable housing on their properties. Read or listen to the article from KJZZ here, and read the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona article here.

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LAMA Sets 2024 Vision: Advocating for Food, Voting, Water, and Housing

Recently, LAMA's Policy Council outlined its pivotal 2024 priorities, emphasizing action on food insecurity, voting and civic engagement, the water crisis, and housing and homelessness. Rooted in ELCA's teachings, LAMA commits to being a publicly engaged church, advocating for foundational societal changes that echo throughout hunger prevention, voter participation, sustainable water use, and housing access.

Join us in these pressing endeavors that seek to uplift our community and address the root causes of these social concerns. Interested members are encouraged to contribute to this transformative journey. Read more at

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Arizona Chaplaincy for the Homeless offers Christian ministry of presence and advocacy

Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) provides more than just a safe place to sleep. The chaplaincy program at CASS cares for people experiencing homelessness who have a spiritual hunger.

Lay and rostered leaders are encouraged to volunteer their time with the chaplaincy program at CASS to teach Bible Studies and serve as outreach coordinators. Volunteer duties take two to three hours per week. Contact John Thurston or check out to learn more.

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Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest expands I-HELP program

In order to serve more people experiencing homelessness, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest is pleased to announce that the Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP) will be launching in Phoenix in January, 2023.

To support this program as an individual or have your ministry sign up as a host site, view more info here or send an email to Angel George, Community Engagement Supervisor.

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ELCA Advocacy Connections: November/December 2022

We share ELCA Advocacy Connections for November/December 2022, from the ELCA advocacy office in Washington, D.C. – the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, Senior Director. Highlights include: Homelessness And Affordable Housing Awareness;  Global Food Security Action; Status Of Title 42; World Aids Day Demands Attention; and Respect For Marriage Act.

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