Posts in News
Administration Matters: July, 2024

The bimonthly e-newsletter for ELCA congregational and synodical leaders addresses common, practical issues including finance, governance, risk management, tax, legal concerns and topics of interest about day to day operations and management in church settings. The July, 2024 issue highlights:

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New resources available for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday: 9/8/2024

On Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024, congregations of the ELCA will join together for our annual day of service, “God’s work. Our hands.” This day continues to be an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. As you explore opportunities to participate in your community, explore these resources to plan and promote your day

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Embracing Freedom and Diversity: Highlights from the Final Full Day of MYLE and the tAble 2024

The final day of MYLE and the tAble at the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans was a celebration of diversity, creativity, and community. Highlights included Dr. Moses Penumaka’s inspiring sermon on freedom in Christ, a variety of creative and cultural showcases, and a field trip to the Smoothie King Center to prepare for the Mass Gathering. As the events concluded, the community’s spirit of inclusivity and support was evident, with participants and volunteers alike sharing moments of joy and gratitude.

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From Lego Art to Dance Parties: Creative Expressions at ELCA’s Youth Gathering

Day 2 of the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans was a vibrant celebration of faith, identity, and community. Participants at MYLE created a Lego art installation reflecting their unique selves, while those at the tAble prepared disaster relief kits and enjoyed a spirited masquerade dance. Highlighting the day were workshops and worship sessions that emphasized the Lutheran values of inclusivity and personal expression, empowering our youth to shine brightly in their diverse identities. Join us in celebrating these inspiring stories of young Lutherans living their faith out loud in the heart of New Orleans.

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Day One Highlights: Celebrating Wholeness and Grace at the ELCA Youth Gathering

Day 2 of the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans was a vibrant celebration of faith, identity, and community. Participants at MYLE created a Lego art installation reflecting their unique selves, while those at the tAble prepared disaster relief kits and enjoyed a spirited masquerade dance. Highlighting the day were workshops and worship sessions that emphasized the Lutheran values of inclusivity and personal expression, empowering our youth to shine brightly in their diverse identities. Join us in celebrating these inspiring stories of young Lutherans living their faith out loud in the heart of New Orleans.

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A Faithful Transition: Celebrating Pastor Dew’s Leadership and Looking Ahead

Pastor James Dew will conclude his role as Interim Director for Evangelical Mission on July 31, 2024, marking the end of a significant tenure with the Grand Canyon Synod. Throughout his service, he has played a pivotal role in enhancing our ministry’s outreach, overseeing important tasks such as the Mission and Ministry Task Force, and supporting diverse Synodically Authorized Worshipping Communities and Strategic Ministries.

As we thank him for his heartfelt service and leadership, we also look forward to the continued growth and impact of our ministries. Join us in celebrating his contributions and wishing him well in his future endeavors.

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July 2024 Mission Support Memo: Treasures Abound

In the July 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo (view PDF here), Prince of Peace Evangelical August Lutheran Church in Bangor, Pa reminds us all that with dedicated leaders and faith, any congregation can reach out and meet community needs. Their POP's Treasures Thrift Boutique offers folks a place to share their treasures, shares these with those in need, opens a way to volunteer, plus donates profits to commuity needs. Treasures Abound! Don't miss out on participating in a free Grantwriting for Congregations webinar on August 19th - check it out in the memo. Finally, we share our deep gratitude for God's mighty creation. Find the memo online here too! 

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Practicing acts of micro-kindness

From Denise Rector’s writings for Living Lutheran: “For better or worse, during my studies of Lutheran history—while earning a Master of Divinity degree from Wartburg Theological Seminary and a Master of Theology degree from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago—I longed for resonance with the situation of the generations of Lutherans who had come to faith before me. But I didn’t feel it. There was a yawning gap between what I understood as the history of African American life and the history and growth of Lutheranism in the United States. And it was a gap that my God-given embodiment couldn’t ignore. Maybe you have had a similar experience.” Read the full article at Living Lutheran here.

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Keep the focus on the Lutheran witness

Bryan Penman sees the biggest challenge facing the ELCA as its greatest opportunity: offering a new, more resilient way of being church as congregations emerge from the post-pandemic era. “The older institutional structures of our church are hindering our mission,” he said. “The church that is emerging now will let our faith shine in everything we do.” Read the full article in Living Lutheran.

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 7/12/2024
You're invited to a Lutheran Social Services of Nevada (LSSN) Grand Opening

We are celebrating the expansion of our food pantry services, now open seven days a week with extended hours — making us the only pantry in the area operating all week long!

This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with elected officials, members of the media, other business professionals, and the dedicated LSSN board and staff members.

Monday, July 15, 2024, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Ceremony starts at 11:45 am. LSSN, 4323 Boulder Hwy, Las Vegas, NV 89121. RSVP here.

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Grand Canyon Synod Youth and Young Adults Journey to the ELCA National Youth Gathering

This July, over a dozen congregations from the Grand Canyon Synod are sending their youth and young adults to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Joining 16,000 others, they will participate in a week of faith formation through interactive learning and fellowship. Events include MYLE and the tAble, focusing on youth of color and those with disabilities. Our community prays for their safe and enriching journey as they grow in faith and leadership.

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Director of Worship and Music wanted at Saint Andrew Lutheran Church

Do you love church music, working with a choir and musicians to lead worship, and blending classical and new approaches in ways that inspire congregations to grow spiritually? Do you have an innate ability to know what music and arrangements will make a service more meaningful? If yes, you may be the person to help take the St. Andrew Lutheran Church music program to new heights.

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Feed Arizona’s Future: Join AFN’s Hunger and Housing Advocacy This July

This July, engage with the Arizona Faith Network’s crucial initiatives, which you can find in full in their latest newsletter. Volunteer as a Poll Monitor to safeguard the election process, delve into the impact of Christian Nationalism in our democracy, advocate for hunger and housing, support heat relief efforts, and help build a stronger interfaith community. Each event offers a unique opportunity to act on our Lutheran values and make a significant impact.

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Community Spotlight: Our Savior’s Lutheran & Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal

Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byar visited Tucson to learn more about the partnership between Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and Grace St Paul’s Episcopal Church as they find new ways to get involved in neighbor-love right in their own neighborhood.

“From food pantries to mobile showers, our ELCA churches have found many different ways to minister to the needs of their neighbors, each one tailored to the specific needs of the community. For Our Savior’s, it didn’t make sense to build a new ministry like this when a robust community partner exists just around the corner. Our Savior’s Lutheran sits right across the street from the University of Arizona and Banner University Hospital. It isn’t the only church to occupy this advantageous area; just a few blocks away sits Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal parish.” Read the full article on the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) website.

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Learning How to Step Back from the Abyss of Political Violence

We share an article by Don Henninger from the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. You can read the full article at

“Picture a country where fear of one’s neighbor is rampant, distrust of law enforcement is the standard, destructive riots occur regularly, and threats of political violence loom large over the minds of its citizens.

This evokes images of modern America, but we’re thinking of another country: Northern Ireland, in the lead-up to the violent and deadly multi-decade conflict known as The Troubles. With worries of political violence top of mind for millions of Americans, learning from leaders who have helped navigate conflict in other countries may give us insights for maintaining peace here at home.”

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The magic of the Crescent City is waiting at the ELCA Youth Gathering

“Friends, it’s here. Our teams have started to arrive, and the city is ready for us. I can’t wait for each of you to experience all that the bayou has to offer while being affirmed that you were created to be — you. Safe travels, dear ones. Let’s have a Gathering!” — Deacon Tammy Jones West, Director of the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

Read the latest email gNews from the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering here.

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