Posts tagged Mosaic
2024 Mosaic Annual Report

Dear Friends in the Grand Canyon Synod, where Mosaic provides services through locations across the state of Arizona.

Last year, while taking down a building on our founding campus that was well past its useful era, we found a time capsule from around 70 years ago. One of the items in the capsule was a copy of The Small Catechism of Martin Luther. Many of you probably remember spending time with that catechism as a child—I know I do.

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Volunteers Create Relationships and Memories at Mosaic

Volunteers help build relationships, offer new opportunities and build memories for the people Mosaic supports and for themselves. National Volunteer Week is a great opportunity to say Thank You, because they lighten the load and brighten the day for people. The post Volunteers Create Relationships and Memories at Mosaic appeared first on Mosaic.

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Mosaic Sets Forth Advocacy Blueprint for 2024: A Focus on Workforce and Community Services

Mosaic's 2024 advocacy agenda continues its commitment to positive legislative influence, focusing on Direct Support Professional recognition, expansion of Home and Community Based Services, updating SSI asset limits, and fostering key partnerships. Building on 2023's successes, Mosaic aims to leverage its strong advocate base to support individuals with I/DD and the workforce dedicated to them. Read more at

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Mosaic: It Was A Life-Changing Experience

Mosaic International has been in partnership with Building a Caring Community(BCC) in Tanzania since 2007 to love and support children and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). All of Mosaic International’s work and its Carman International Fellowship program are supported by donors and grants. Daniel Scherer-Emunds served as a Carman International Fellow from August 2022 to December 2023. He looks back upon his time there in this article for Mosaic.

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Ashleigh’s Story: Finding a Forever Home with Mosaic at Home

Discover Ashleigh's moving journey towards independence and belonging, despite the challenges of cerebral palsy and personal loss. Thanks to the loving support of her mother, the guidance of her grandfather, and the nurturing environment provided by Mosaic at Home, Ashleigh has found her place to thrive. Her story is a powerful testament to the impact of personalized care and the enduring strength of community support.

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Honoring Faith Leaders: Mosaic's Tribute During Clergy Appreciation Month

During Clergy Appreciation Month, Mosaic extends heartfelt gratitude to all faith leaders for their unwavering spiritual guidance. Pastor Twila Schock reminisces about her interactions with "MJ", illustrating the ancient call to honor church leaders. Mosaic honors the legacy of its founder, K.G. William Dahl, and appreciates the spiritual leaders' continuous support.

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Mosaic: 20 Years Young & 110 Years Strong

Mosaic is young and energetic, but also old and wise. Two memorable numbers are important at Mosaic this year—20 and 110. As Mosaic, the organization celebrated its 20th anniversary on July 1. But back in February, it also celebrated the 110th anniversary of its founding. In 2023, Mosaic is 20 years young and 110 years strong. Learn why in this blog post, 20 Years Young & 110 Years Strong, which appeared first on Mosaic.

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