Posts in Letters
2022 1517 Media assembly report

1517 Media (Augsburg Fortress, Beaming Books, Broadleaf Books, Fortress Press, Sparkhouse) shares 10 things to know about 1517 Media as their annual report, as well as a slideshow, which includes the following coupon:

2022 Summer Savings: Purchase $100 or more at and save $25 now through August 30, 2022. Use Promo code SUMMER2022 at checkout.

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2022 ELCA Foundation synod assembly report

Our regional gift planners, Lisa Higginbotham, CFRE, and Josh Kerney, shares their ELCA Foundation report. View as PDF, read in this post, and also view this ELCA Foundation video and view a message from Lisa.

“The vision of the ELCA Foundation is to be a thriving ministry that develops a culture of intentional generosity and financial stewardship to expand the work of the ELCA. Our mission is to support and sustain ELCA ministries by enhancing gifting capacity and stewarding resources.”

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2022 Grand Canyon Synod Coaching Ministry synod assembly report

Grand Canyon Synod Coaching Ministry shares a letter from Phil Gustafson for their synod assembly report. View as PDF or read in this post.

“The Grand Canyon Synod, along with other Synods of the ELCA, offers an exciting and effective ministry that is often untapped or even unknown — Coaching Ministry. Coaching assists a client to focus on a specific goal and identify resources and steps to journey to that goal from the client’s own life situation and experiences.”

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2022 Cruzando Fronteras synod assembly report

Cruzando Fronteras shares a letter from Annette Chavez for their synod assembly report. View as PDF or read in this post.

“Cruzando Fronteras is an ecumenical ministry effort which includes the financial and organizational support of the ELCA Lutheran Church, the Episcopal Church, and the United Church of Christ. In addition the Methodist Church offers legal aid through the Arizona Justice for our Neighbor Ministry. This is very important as it gives those that are seeking asylum a chance to develop their case.”

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Ryan LaHurd: Identity and Relationship in Arab-American Culture

In his Daily Meditation of February 6 on 1 Corinthians 12, Rev. Richard Rohr writes “Humanity consistently has to face the problem of unity and diversity. We’re not very good at understanding it. We habitually choose our smaller groups, because we don’t know how to belong to a larger group. That demands too much letting go.”

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2022 Arizona Faith Network synod assembly report

Arizona Faith Network shares a video for their synod assembly report.

“Arizona Faith Network is a interfaith organization dedicated to bringing people together to promote peace and understanding through interfaith education and dialogue as well as healing of the world through collaborative social action.”

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2022 Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service synod assembly report

Read the 2022 Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service synod assembly report as a PDF or in this post.

“Like all of you, we found ourselves facing parallel crises: the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, an influx of vulnerable immigrant children at our border, and the devastating refugee criss in Afghanistan. While it was an incredibly difficult year in many ways, it was also one of the most inspiring in our 83-year history.”

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2022 ELCA Federal Credit Union synod assembly report

Read the 2022 ELCA Federal Credit Union synod assembly report as a PDF.

“The ELCA Federal Credit Union, founded in 2016, provides a full suite of financial products and services to members, congregations and ministries of the ELCA. We are the first of the ELCA’s financial ministries to offer loans to individuals. The Credit Union offers a rich variety of products—from savings and checking accounts and CDs ... to loans, lines of credit and credit cards.”

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2022 Mission Investment Fund synod assembly report

Read the 2022 Mission Investment Fund synod assembly report as a PDF and watch a report video.

“The Mission Investment Fund, a financial services ministry of the ELCA, provides a strong, stable, faith-based way for individuals, congregations, and ministries to achieve their financial goals. We put investments to work to fund building and renovation loans for congregations and partner ministries, including social service agencies and outdoor camps.”

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2022 Mosaic synod assembly report

Read the 2022 Mosaic synod assembly report as a PDF or in this post.

Mosaic serves more than 5,200 people in 13 states and 750 communities, including Phoenix, Prescott, and Tucson. Services are tailored to meet individual needs and goals, allowing people to be as independent as possible. Services are designed for people with disabilities, mental and behavioral health needs and autism, as well as aging adults.

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