2022 Cruzando Fronteras synod assembly report

2022 Assembly Reports:
View reports for our
2022 assembly on our assembly report page and in this collection of blog posts.

Cruzando Fronteras shares a letter from Annette Chavez for their synod assembly report. View as PDF or read in this post.

Cruzando Fronteras Ministry ~ Crossing Borders Ministry

Cruzando Fronteras is an ecumenical ministry effort which includes the financial and organizational support of the ELCA Lutheran Church, the Episcopal Church, and the United Church of Christ. In addition the Methodist Church offers legal aid through the Arizona Justice for our Neighbor Ministry. This is very important as it gives those that are seeking asylum a chance to develop their case.

It is an all hands on deck effort to fulfill the words of Jesus the Christ — ‘I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.’ ‘I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me!’ —Matthew 25: 35-36, 40

The shelter is under the guidance of Sister Angelica Macias, director. It is called “La Casa de Misericordia de Todas Las Naciones,” (The House of Mercy for all the Nations). It is located in a hilly part of Nogales, Sonora. At the current time, April 2022, there are about 120 residents, 63 under the age of 18 and 55

older than 18. There are 7 babies there that use size 2 and 3 diapers including one that was born in the last week of March, and 6 babies/toddlers that use size 4 and 5 diapers. In addition there is need for feminine hygiene products.

With 120 residents that eat 3 meals a day, there is a need for basic foodstuffs such as flour, sugar, beans, and rice. The residents form into weekly teams that cook for the community. There is a big outdoor oven that is used to cook delicious bread, tortillas, and even pizza!

In addition to a cooking team, there are teams of people to clean, tend the garden, and many other jobs. They work hard to take care of the beautiful campus. It is a blessing that these people of God have a safe place to rest before they continue on their journey. It is also a blessing for us to be able to enact our motto,“God’s work, our hands.”