Posts in ELCA
Bishop Eaton's Easter message: I know my Redeemer lives

As we enter the third year of this pandemic, we see the signs of stress and incivility, even the signs of war and disease in Ethiopia and Sudan, in Europe. It might seem like death still has sway, but Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us to declare confidently on this Easter and all times "I know that my Redeemer lives.”

View in this post, on YouTube, or download the video here. Read the message as PDF in English or Spanish.

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A Declaration of the ELCA to the Muslim Community

As the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we assure our Muslim neighbors of our love and respect and reaffirm our commitment to working together in our shared communities for the common good.

As people who know that we live by the grace and in the sight of the one, almighty, and merciful God, we have confidence that our engagement will result in mutual learning, growth, and enrichment. Read the full declaration here.

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Global Farm Challenge resources for youth

As you plan for new activities and events this summer for youth, we invite you to join us in ELCA World Hunger’s Global Farm Challenge, a youth-focused, whole-church campaign to accompany our neighbors who are facing threats of hunger and poverty around the world.

Visit for more information, to order resources when they become available, and to begin planning your youth group’s participation and fundraising.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: April 10, 2022
  • For the victims of violence in Bucha, Ukraine, and for all witnesses of the atrocities of war…

  • For the victims and survivors of the mass shooting in Sacramento, CA…

  • For our Muslim neighbors observing the holy month of Ramadan and for our Jewish neighbors preparing for Passover…

  • For all areas suffering damage, injury, or loss of life in spring storms…

  • With thanksgiving for the gifts of people with autism and for all who offer care and support to them…

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Lutherans Restoring Creation provide creation-focused worship service for Earth Day

An online worship service for Earth Day (4/24/2022) is being finalized by Lutherans Restoring Creation and they are excited to share it with all. If you want to integrate it into your worship service be sure to register now as private/preview links will be sent soon. Click here to register.

They are honored to have the Rev. Dr. Carmelo Santos sharing the message of the day according to the Readings for April 24th. The service — in English, Spanish, and ASL — will be available to all via YouTube and Facebook starting Friday April 22, 2022.

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