Global Farm Challenge resources for youth

The 2022 Youth Gathering may be canceled, but the work of the church is more important than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic and violent conflict around the world, especially in Ukraine, have led to a rise in hunger unlike any we have seen in recent history. 

As you plan for new activities and events this summer for youth, we invite you to join us in ELCA World Hunger’s Global Farm Challenge, a youth-focused, whole-church campaign to accompany our neighbors who are facing threats of hunger and poverty around the world.

Bring ELCA World Hunger into the life of your youth group and congregation with resources to use at church, on the road to your next service-learning trip, at camp or at any of your summer gatherings. Global Farm Challenge resources, which will be mailed to your congregation and available to order or download in mid-May, will include: 

  • A brochure, with key information and stats about the Global Farm Challenge, tells you why this campaign matters and the difference you can make by taking part in our call to work toward a just world where all are fed.

  • “Global Farm Challenge: More than Food,” a podcast mini-series that invites youth into deeper reflection on faith, hunger and justice, with inspirational stories about how your gifts to ELCA World Hunger are at work in the world.

  • Group activities, including the Global Farm Challenge Do-it-Yourself Field Experience guide and the new Global Farm Challenge To-Go card game that you can take on the road or play at home in your congregation.

  • Additional resources, including online fundraising tools to invite others to give.

Visit for more information, to order resources when they become available, and to begin planning your youth group’s participation and fundraising.