Office of the Bishop Updates: 2/4/2022

Bishop Hutterer offers Invocation at start of a session, with an introduction from Rep. Longdon.

From left to right: Solveig Muus, Keith Hainy, Rep. Jennifer Longdon, Mark Engel, Debra Slack, Intern Pastor Jen Smith, Rev. Jacqui Pagel, Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Rev. Alan Field, Bishop Deborah Hutterer, Rev. Mateo Chavez, and Annette Chavez.

Members of the Office of the Bishop joined other Lutherans and partners at the Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Arizona Legislature this week. Read more here.

Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer

Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta
Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality

Rev. Jacqueline Pagel
Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy and Faith Formation

Ms. Theresa Thornburgh
Director for Administration and Events

  • Preparing for Synod Assembly and other upcoming events

  • Synod Council Meeting

  • General Administrative Tasks of the Synod Office

  • Vacation February 14-16

Mr. Brian Flatgard
Director of Communication

  • Weekly newsletter

  • Ordination anniversary card printing

  • New call manual on website

  • Synod council orientation handbook

Mr. Clint Wasser
Director for Finance

  • Training new Finance person

  • Prepare December financial statements

Dr. Jerry Kingston
Special Bishop’s Associate for Mobility

  • Researching RMPs and MSPs for the Synod