The Grand Canyon Synod Constitution has been updated to reflect the new continuing resolution S12.01.A.25, approved by the Synod Council on January 18, 2025. This replaces the previous S12.01.B22 and includes updated conference listings for our 82 congregations and SAWCs across Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. View the latest version at
Read MoreIt is a question of equality between your present abundance and their need,
so that their abundance may also supply your need, in order that there may be equality.
As it is written,
“The one who had much did not have too much,
and the one who had little did not have too little.”
—2 Corinthians 8:13b-15
The Grand Canyon Synod Council encourages all congregations to faithfully allocate mission support as an intentional commitment to our shared mission as church together. We encourage congregations to be generous and proportionate in their mission support, in accordance with the witness of scripture and the saints who came before us.
Read MoreOur 2023 Assembly will elect an At-Large Representative to the Synod Council, as well as members to the Consultation Committee and the Committee on Discipline. View the nominees and their info on our nominee page.
Read MoreDuring the past year the Synod Council has continued to focus on the primary goals of the synod’s strategic plan – to communicate Jesus, connect people, create possibilities.
Read MoreWe conclude our series of weekly reflections on the 2022 Churchwide Assembly with thoughts from Synod Council Member Roger Bailey with the Colorado River Conference.
“I found this year’s CWA an eye-opening experience as I saw firsthand the diversity of the ELCA.”
Read MoreWe continue our series of weekly reflections on the 2022 Churchwide Assembly with thoughts from Rev. David Brandfass, with Christ Lutheran in Sedona.
“When I left the 2019 assembly I felt as though we faced great challenges as a church, and I wasn’t sure we were up to it. Three years later, on my way home from Columbus, it is obvious we face even greater challenges, but now, through the witness of this assembly, I feel we are ready, led by the Spirit and filled with grace, to meet the challenges faced by Jesus’ church in this twenty-first century.”
Read MoreRead the approved minutes from the synod council meetings around and during our Synod Assembly on June 9, 2022, June 10–11, 2022, and exhibits.
Read MoreFrom the latest Zoom meeting on April 9, 2022, the Grand Canyon Synod Council brings you Easter greetings.
Read More“He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!”
From Rev. David Brandfass, Synod Council Secretary, are the full minutes from our 2021 Synod assembly available in PDF format.
Read MoreRead the provisionally-approved minutes from the synod council meetings on August 14, August 27, and September 17, 2021, in PDF format. The fully approved 8/14/2021 minutes are here in PDF format.
While not formally approved, we are trying to get our minutes available as soon as possible to the synod.
Read MoreRead the minutes from the synod council meeting on March 20, 2021, in PDF format.
Read MoreRead the provisionally-approved minutes from the synod council meeting on May 15, 2020, in PDF format.
While not formally approved, we are trying to get our minutes available as soon as possible to the synod.
Read MoreAt our 2021 Assembly, we elected synod council members and committee members, as well as voting members to attend the Churchwide Assembly in August, 2022.
We welcome these new members, and thank all of the many leaders who participated in these elections. We are grateful for your continued leadership in the Grand Canyon Synod.
Read MoreRead the provisionally-approved minutes from the synod council meeting on January 16, 2020, in PDF format.
While not formally approved, we are trying to get our minutes available as soon as possible to the synod.
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