June 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo: U.P. Wild Church

Our June 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo takes us back to U.P. Wild Church, in Northern Great Lake Synod: “a spiritual home for the seekers of beauty, wonder, & awe; where the ‘church goers’ supplement their journey and the ‘misfits’ finally feel connected within the congregation of paper birch trees & squawking geese via the Mystery which creates all things.” Everyone can engage by connecting to virtual walks that include a cemetery stroll, prayer by the beach, following deer tracks, even finding Christ in the compost, and so much more at www.upwild.org/media/.

Additionally find free access to ELCA Stewardship recordings on “The Spirituality of Capital Campaigns,” “Creating a Year-Round Stewardship Calendar,” “Narrative Budget Construction,” “Donor Motivations” or “Four Mindset Shifts” which are perfect for stewardship teams wanting to do some continuing education or for councils curious about what’s happening in the realm of stewardship. We are grateful for all the leaders who have worked diligently and faithfully in school-year-based activities and are eager to connect at the ELCA Youth Gathering Interactive Learning Center! Find the memo here too!