Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary 2021 Update

2021 Assembly Reports: View reports for our 2021 assembly on our assembly report page and in this collection of blog posts.

View report in PDF

Thank you for being a ministry partner! 

Your prayers, direct synod gifts, and encouraging your leaders to go to seminary are all ways you participate with us  in the important mission of equipping future pastors, deacons, and non-rostered faith leaders for the work they are  called to do in congregations, hospitals, schools, community organizations, and more. 

Center for Climate Justice & Faith: 
Linking Ecological Healing to Racial and Economic Justice 

The Center for Climate Justice & Faith (CCJF) empowers leaders to cultivate moral, spiritual, and practical power for  the work of climate justice in communities of faith and in collaboration with others. Launched in September 2020, the  CCJF is offering/developing the following programs: 

Current Programs/Achievements:

o Certification as a Green-Justice seminary; PLTS is the  eleventh seminary in the USA to complete the process.  

o Concentration in Climate Justice and Faith, for Master of  Divinity and Master of Arts students. 

o Curriculum innovations – Teaching and learning at the  nexus of race, class, gender, and Earth. 

Coming in 2021 – 2022:

o Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith (serving the global Lutheran communion; for non-degree students) in  collaboration with Lutheran World Federation, ELCA World Hunger, and Lutherans Restoring Creation. o Faith-rooted Community Organizing for Climate Justice course. 

o Public programming in collaboration with local, national, and global networks. 

o Annual Climate Justice Activist-Scholar in Residence. 

o Circle of Affiliated Activist-Scholars and Activist-Artists. 

Master of Arts in Spirituality & Social Change Coming in Fall 2021! 

This new degree program has been approved by the Association of  Theological Schools. Students can choose to study between  residential and distance learning options. 

Seminary Life during the Pandemic 

PLTS moved classes and worship to ZOOM on March 16, 2020. This  made it possible for students to continue in their programs and for  new students from the United States, Lebanon, and Russia to start  


• Total Number of Students: 114 

• Master of Divinity (MDiv) Students: 51 • MDiv Students on Internship: 16 • Theological Education for Emerging  Ministries (TEEM) Students: 46 

• Tuition (Full-time M.Div): $22,460 • Total Average Cost of Housing: $8,640 • Scholarships Awarded: $644,427 to 100%  of need-based qualifying students heir programs in September. It is our prayerful intention to be able to return to campus and offer in-person classes for Fall 2021, though a distance learning option will continue. Graduation in 2020 was postponed to 2021 and an online  commencement service is being planned for May 22nd.  

To learn more about PLTS, or to make a gift, visit