Mosaic 2021 update

2021 Assembly Reports: View reports for our 2021 assembly on our assembly report page and in this collection of blog posts.


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To our friends and partners in the Grand Canyon Synod, where Mosaic provides services out of Phoenix, Prescott and Tucson:

During the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Mosaic shared a consistent message with those we support, our workforce, donors and volunteers: Hope Beyond Measure.

As a faith-based organization and affiliated social-ministry of the ELCA, that message is core to who Mosaic is. In our 108-year history, no matter what challenges we faced, God ensured that Mosaic endured and thrived.

That was true in 2020 as well.

Hope beyond measure sustained the people we support to learn new things, even while staying physically isolated for their safety. One young man we support learned how to bake the chocolate cakes he has always loved to eat. A young woman we support learned how to read, and is proud to have now read more than 200 books.

Hope beyond measure sustained our workforce to power through really difficult situations. All of our staff members spend their shifts wearing masks, and many have gowned up, gloved up, goggled up, and worn N-95 masks to continue serving people who contracted the virus.

Hope beyond measure sustained our donors, even when they too were facing challenges. Mosaic is in the middle of a five-year comprehensive campaign and our faithful donors helped us meet our fundraising goals – even in the midst of a pandemic.

Hope beyond measure gave Mosaic the conviction to grow, and we’ve acquired services in four New England states that operate under the name Living Innovations. We know that for the long-term success of Mosaic, we must grow and expand our mission.

So, 2020 presented challenges like none other in my memory. But the year also reaffirmed God’s faithfulness to this important work.

We are grateful to call you partners.


Linda Timmons, President and CEO, Mosaic