Join Diakonia's 'Exploring Your Spiritual Gifts' virtual retreat, on Saturdays of August 2023

Dive into a transformative journey of self-discovery with the 'Exploring Your Spiritual Gifts' Retreat this August. Sponsored by the Grand Canyon Synod's Growing in Faith: Diakonia Program, this virtual retreat will guide you through a process of discernment to uncover your unique spiritual gifts and understand their divine purpose.

Held over three Saturdays—August 5th, 12th, and 19th—this series promises to inspire and answer deep-seated questions about your spiritual vocation. Secure your place now and start your path to deeper faith understanding. View a PDF flyer here, register at

  • Are you feeling a pull towards deeper understanding of your unique spiritual gifts?

  • Do you find yourself questioning how you can best serve God?

  • Or perhaps you’re curious about the specific ministry God is calling you towards?

If any of these questions resonate with you, then the upcoming 'Exploring Your Spiritual Gifts' Retreat is a must-attend event.

Sponsored by the Grand Canyon Synod's Growing in Faith: Diakonia Program, this enlightening retreat will be held over three Saturdays—August 5th, 12th, and 19th, 2023. Conducted virtually via Zoom from 9am-12noon MST, it offers a flexible way to participate no matter where you are.

Rev. Stewart McDonald, a seasoned Diakonia instructor and previous retreat leader, will guide you through an immersive process of discernment. Through a series of exercises and insightful conversations, you'll discover your unique gifts and understand how God might want you to use them. Many participants have found this series both enlightening and practical, describing it as an essential part of their faith development journey.

Open to everyone, whether you're 15 or 95, this retreat promises to inspire and provide answers to your deepest questions about your spiritual vocation. To register, visit the Diakonia website at and navigate to the Events/Retreats section. The registration fee is $30, and the Zoom link will be provided upon registration.

For any queries, feel free to contact Kim at We look forward to your participation in this remarkable spiritual adventure!