Grand Canyon Synod fully launches Educate, Equip, Enact (3E) program

Are you finding yourself feeling crushed under the weight of medical debt or student loan repayments? Maybe you’ve had an unexpected catastrophe that is stretching your finances to the limits. Perhaps your congregation is struggling with reduced giving and finding it hard to continue all the ministries that members are accustomed to. 

We know that the circumstances of these times may have resulted in personal difficulties for rostered leaders and have also created challenges for congregations. Fortunately, through the generosity of the Lilly Endowment’s National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders and in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Synod we may be able to help. 

The Grand Canyon Synod is pleased to announce that we have fully launched our new program titled Educate, Equip, Enact (3E). This program is made possible through our partnership with the Rocky Mountain Synod and a grant they have received from the Lilly Endowment’s Initiative. The purpose of the program is to increase capacity for healthy ministry by alleviating rostered ministers’ crippling debt and give tools to congregations to increase generosity and renew focus on mission. 

The grant will expend a total of $1,000,000 dollars. Half of that amount consists of Lilly dollars and half is required to be raised to match each grant dollar. The plan is to expend $700.000 in the Rocky Mountain Synod and $300.000 in the Grand Canyon Synod. 

Educate, Equip, Enact (3E) has three components, Stewardship for All Seasons, The Ministerial Excellence Fund and Vital Right-Shaped Ministry. 

Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS) will guide rostered ministers and congregational leaders through tried and true principles of fundraising and effective methodologies to carry out fruitful stewardship programs that enliven a culture of generosity. 

The Ministerial Excellence Fund will enable us to partner with any rostered minister, deacon or candidate to develop strong financial literacy skills and provide aid to reduce or eliminate education or medical debt. A portion of the grant has also been reserved for aiding those in time of emergency when all other avenues of payment have been exhausted. 

Vital Right-Shaped Ministry (VRSM) will help your congregations see how the Spirit is prompting you toward a vision for new forms of ministry. It is about reframing the realities of our day to see how God remains vitally, creatively present to help you adapt, become church in new ways, and find new opportunities for faithful mission. 

We encourage you to actively engage in these exciting new opportunities. To learn more you can browse our website under the Lilly 3E heading. If you would like more information about Stewardship for All Seasons or Vital Right-Shaped Ministries please contact Miguel Gomez-Acosta at To inquire about your eligibility for assistance through the Ministerial Excellence Fund please contact Program Director, Molly Gary at

Lastly, as we mentioned above, this is a matching grant with half of the money coming from generous congregations and donors. If your congregation, or someone you know, might be interested in contributing to this vital initiative, please contact Bishop Hutterer at

Together we can build a path toward healthy and sustainable ministry and transform our congregational culture for a hopeful future. 3E it’s for you, it’s for us!  

Peace and Blessings,

The 3E team
Bishop Deborah Hutterer
Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta
Molly Gary