A source of financial challenge for many congregational rostered ministers is the culture of scarcity that prevails in many communities of faith.
The objective of Stewardship for All Seasons (SAS, stewardshipforallseasons.org) is to guide rostered ministers and congregational leaders to learn tried and true principles of fundraising and effective methodologies to carry out fruitful, broad-range stewardship programs that enliven a culture of generosity.
2023 update
The Grand Canyon Synod has the opportunity to provide 10 scholarships for Stewardship for All Seasons. This will be the last year that a $2,900 scholarship will be provided, making the costs to our congregations only $250 for a quality yearlong stewardship program.
The cohort begins May 27, 2023, so please notify Pr. Miguel Gomez-Acosta if you are interested in participating by May 4, 2023.
This will be on a first come first served basis, with priority to congregations that have never participated in Stewardship for All Seasons before, but will consider 2nd year congregations if our space allows.
SAS is a program written and offered by Gronlund Sayther Brunkow Fundraising (GSB). Visit their website, stewardshipforallseasons.org, for more info as well. GSB hires qualified consultants to administer SAS in registered congregations through in-person and online training, and individual congregation consultations.
Expected results include participants learning how to do year-round, ongoing stewardship ministry resulting in more money for ministry; a deepened commitment to mission; more energized stewards; and a growing culture of generosity in the DNA of congregations. Additionally, the fruitfulness of SAS allows us to add the objective of increasing missional giving to extended levels in the church.
3E provides generous scholarships for congregations which are based on operating budgets and intended to include most every size congregation.
To express interest or sign up and secure a scholarship, contact Miguel Gomez-Acosta: Miguel.Gomez-Acosta@elca.org.
“We had a visitor come on one of the three Sundays we had folks do temple talks. He wrote a letter that he was moved by the couple’s story of giving and included a check for $2,000 for our youth ministry. He was a former member who lives on the east coast and was just elated to be back after a decade or more.”
Benefits Of Stewardship For All Seasons (SAS)
Prepare your congregation’s story
Educate people to tell that story
Focus attention on your congregation’s mission
Inspire people to give generously
Learn tools and methods that really work
Build a team that enjoys leading stewardship efforts
Become confident and skilled in stewardship development
Apply biblical principles to gain more resources for mission
Experience the joy of asking and giving
Avoid searching for the latest hot stewardship program
Increase annual giving by 10 – 15% or more each year
“Incorporating ministry initiatives into the stewardship process was new to our congregation and what it needed to truly put a stake in the ground on funding necessary items starting 2020.
In a way, it was a way to become accountable on things that we have said we would like to do, but had never put a plan in action to make it happen. There is still a tremendous opportunity for growth when it comes to the topic of cultivating a generous congregation and the church council is fully aware of the opportunity to continue stewardship education.”
“I think over the next few years we will see the congregation’s understanding and participation in stewardship deepen with the program. The culture shift from stewardship being just about money and mostly about obligation will take some time, but I think we are beginning to see people put their passion into practice through their giving and involvement.”
Key Congregational Commitments
Faithfully attend 7 in-person or electronic software meetings with GSB consultant throughout a full year beginning on/around Synod Assembly.
Participate fully in implementing SAS strategies into your congregation.
Share stories so others may learn.
Report results and complete financial reports as requested.
The Cohort cost is $3150, (which includes the cost of a professional graphic artist contracted through Stewardship for All Seasons). Congregations will also separately incur printing costs. The Lilly 3E scholarship will be $2950, so each congregation will only pay $200 for the program. If this is a challenge, please contact Pr. Miguel Gomez-Acosta for further conversation. Since this is our last year of Stewardship for All Seasons we want to ensure any congregation that wants to participate will be able to.
“SAS has enabled us to increase our ministry budget significantly to begin empowering ministry by moving pastoral time and compensation from 1/2 to 3/4 time. We also made the commitment with that appeal to increase our giving to Synod by $1000. These are significant increases for such a small congregation.
We are excited to be growing in ministry while growing our ability to give to the Synod. We appreciate the benefits of the Lily Grant that empowered us to participate in SAS which in turn empowered us to grow our ministry impact.”
The purpose of Lilly Endowment grant is to build a Ministerial Excellence Fund and to help congregations enhance stewardship.