Fierce Urgency: Advancing Civil & Human Rights is Ecumenical Advocacy Days theme

Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) is an annual gathering of Christian advocates and activists. People attending EAD worship, review advocacy best practices, dive deeper into issues of their selection around the central theme, take Lobby Day action, and network with people of faith passionate about the difference policy can make in peoples’ lives. Lutherans in attendance have denomination-specific opportunities to get to know one another and vision what we can do together!

#EAD2022 is a virtual gathering, held Wednesday through Friday, April 25-27, 2022. Scholarship opportunities are in this post and more info is at


This year’s theme, “Fierce Urgency: Advancing Civil & Human Rights,” calls us into solidarity to restore, protect and expand voting rights in the United States and to realize human rights around the world. As people of faith, we know each person to be created in God’s image, imbued with dignity and having a voice that demands to be heard, heeded and treated justly. We arise in unity, holding up a mirror to leaders of nations, putting injustice on display and tearing down the veil of oppression that obscures the beautiful, God-born light shining from within us all.

Several Lutheran leaders will present workshops, and participants will have opportunities to meet ELCA advocacy colleagues and network with other Lutherans during denominational time. Those who attend will also be equipped and receive support to work on voting rights and civic engagement through ELCAvotes.


Because EAD, in which the ELCA is a partner, is such an excellent opportunity to connect faith-voices in advocacy action, several scholarships for the registration fee are available to encourage the strength of the witness of ELCA advocacy both in the locations of the attendees and in the ELCA’s voice on federal matters.

ELCA networks offering scholarships include our Companion Synod program, Peace Not Walls, African Descent Ministries, and Witness in Society advocacy.

  • CRITERIA: Due to the limited number of scholarships, selection will prioritize first-time attendees as well as young adults (age 18-35) to encourage diversity in participation.


  • APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday, March 31, 2022


Scholarship applicants should delay registering for the event until determinations are announced along with instructions for proper registration as a scholarship recipient.

Want to tell others about the scholarships? Use these social media posts from @ELCAadvocacy. 


Ready to register? Visit

You are invited to a talk about EAD hosted by the ELCA Metro D.C. Synod on Thursday, March 17 from 7-8 p.m. ET for more information. The Rev. Amy E. Reumann, ELCA Senior Director for Witness in Society, will talk about the upcoming EAD, including the ecumenical character of the event, the impact of gathering ecumenically for advocacy, the ELCA theological framework for this approach and practical benefits. Connect from the synod’s calendar entry on March 17, “Ecumenical Connections Zoom Meeting: Episode 1.”

Someone who’s been there shared reflections which also tell you more. Read “Lessons for Advocacy from Ecumenical Advocacy Days” (4/27/21) in the ELCA Advocacy Blog.

Hope to see you there!