God's love for the Navajo people
In their most recent newsletter, Navajo Lutheran Mission 2022 Mission Board Chair Patty Charley shares remembrances of the Mission’s founding in 1953.
"Whale Rock" Artwork by Lora Diaz, Mission Community Outreach Manager
God’s love has blessed the Diné with so much. My name is Patty. My community is Rock Point, Arizona, near the Four Corners in the Navajo Nation. This is who I am as a Navajo woman to the world.
Many years ago, God brought out missionaries from different places (many from California and the Midwest) to settle here in Rock Point. Who but our Lord could have planted that seed to come out to a place that had little to offer but sand, tumbleweeds and dirt roads? These missionaries had faith that God did not lead them out to a lonely desert. In fact, it was that faith in God that brought them to a beautiful place.
In 1953, a community meeting was set up between the missionaries and the local community leaders in a greasewood and sagebrush area which some local Navajo men had shoveled out for the occasion. Tents were put up; makeshift arbors were hastily put up for shade to create a dining area. Community members came from miles around on horseback, in horse-hitched wagons and all sat on the ground to discuss the possibilities. This is where the foundation was built for the Navajo Lutheran Mission in Rock Point.
Today as I sit in the House of Prayer for Sunday services, I sometimes think about those days. I am grateful to all, including my grandpas and grandmas who took part in the planning and building so that one day in the future we would revel in the glory and grace of our Magnificent Creator as we sing and praise His holy name.
Faith protects us. Faith feeds us. Faith gives us strength. Faith gives us love and compassion. Yes, God loves everyone, but we are his favorite!