Experience Shape Note Singing at Our Saviour’s Lutheran in Phoenix on June 29

Do you love hymn singing and want to explore a unique style of acapella harmony? Join Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Phoenix on Saturday, June 29th, from 1-4 PM for an afternoon of Shape Note Singing, also known as Sacred Harp singing. This event promises a joyful and enriching experience for all participants.

What is Shape Note Singing?

Shape Note singing uses shapes to help singers learn songs, creating a robust four-part harmony. This style has a rich history and is known for its powerful and energetic sound. The best part? There is no judgment or performance pressure – just a great opportunity to enjoy singing and boost your endorphins.

Event Details

  • Date: Saturday, June 29th

  • Time: 1-4 PM

  • Location: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 1212 E. Glendale Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85020

What to Expect

All are welcome, whether you are an experienced singer or new to Shape Note singing. We will have loaner books available, so you only need to bring yourself and a willingness to sing. There is no need for prior knowledge or preparation. This is a perfect chance to learn about this fascinating style of music in a supportive and friendly environment.

Learn More

To get a taste of Shape Note singing, check out these videos:

Introduction to Shape Note Singing

Sacred Harp Singing Demonstration

Join Us

We look forward to sharing this wonderful musical tradition with you. Come and enjoy a fun and uplifting afternoon with fellow music lovers.