Deepening Our Understanding Through Faith: ELCA’s Online Workshop Series on Social Issues

As we approach another election year, the importance of informed and faith-guided engagement in social issues becomes more pronounced. The ELCA is hosting an online workshop series from June to October, focusing on the intersection of Lutheran faith and societal challenges, including corporate responsibility, abortion rights, climate change, and more.

Starting on June 25, Dr. Roger Willer, Director of Theological Ethics for the ELCA, will introduce the series with a session on Lutheran Social Teachings. The series aims to deepen our understanding of how our faith informs our actions and advocacy in the public sphere.

Subsequent workshops will feature topics such as Corporate Social Responsibility with Rev. Kaari Reierson on August 27, and a timely discussion on abortion with Dr. Caryn Riswold on September 10. Each session promises insightful discourse led by experts in theology and ethics, designed to equip us for leading community discussions on these pressing issues.

Sessions are scheduled from 7:00 to 8:30 PM online via Zoom and will be accessible afterward for those who register but cannot attend live. The registration fee is $20 per individual or $80 per congregation, ensuring that entire church communities can benefit collectively.

To participate in these vital discussions and gain tools for navigating complex social landscapes with a faith-based perspective, register here before the sessions begin. Let’s come together as a community committed to faith, love, and justice in all relationships and societal structures.