ELCA Spotlight: ELCA Advocacy

Empowering Voices: ELCA Advocacy in Action

As members of the ELCA, we believe in the power of faith to transform public life. ELCA Advocacy embodies this belief by working for meaningful change in public policy, grounded in our commitment to biblical values such as peacemaking, hospitality to strangers, care for creation, and concern for those living in poverty.

Through our collective efforts, ELCA Advocacy amplifies the experiences of Lutheran ministries and communities across the United States and around the world. By engaging political channels, we advocate for policies that promote justice, peace, and dignity for all.

ELCA Advocacy isn’t just about speaking up; it’s about making a real difference. As a coordinated network of advocates, we reach out to officials on timely issues, impacting public policies in ways that reflect our Lutheran values.

Want to make a difference? Join the ELCA e-Advocacy Network today. Together, we can stand up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace, and defend God’s creation. Visit the Advocacy News and Updates page to discover current advocacy opportunities and take action now.

Equip yourself to be an even more effective advocate by exploring the wealth of resources available on the ELCA Advocacy resources page. Learn more, get involved, and be part of the change that reflects God’s love in action.