ELCA Advocacy Pushes for Inclusive and Sustainable 2024 Farm Bill

As the 2024 Farm Bill is debated on Capitol Hill, the ELCA encourages advocacy for a bill that supports feeding the hungry, sustainable farming, and inclusive community development. The blog provides updates on the legislative process, highlights action alerts, and offers resources to engage ELCA members in advocacy for a just and effective Farm Bill.

Farm Bill Engagement Updates

May 22, 2024

Updated 5/22/2024


The Farm Bill, which guides much of U.S. agriculture, rural and food policy, is currently being debated in Congress. The ELCA urges Congress to pass a 2024 Farm Bill that promotes:

  • food for hungry neighbors at home and abroad,

  • healthy rural and farming communities,

  • inclusion of people of all backgrounds,

  • care of creation to feed future generations

In a world of abundance, we strive for an end to hunger and poverty, and towards a just world where all are fed. Additionally, we are to work with each other and the environment to meet needs without causing undue burdens elsewhere. The Farm Bill is one of the most influential pieces of legislation affecting hunger and conservation in the U.S. and around the world.

Our social statements call for policies that provide adequate nutrition for all and create livelihood opportunities that are genuinely sustainable. We urge lawmakers to pass a 2024 Farm Bill that reflects these faith-based values.

Status on Capitol Hill

May 22, 2024

The U. S. House of Representatives Agriculture Committee, led by Chair G.T. Thompson (PA-15), released the proposed bill text for the multi-year package of legislation known as the Farm Bill. Find text here. As written, the proposed legislation includes things to celebrate and concerns for our priorities.

To note, this bill includes the RESTORE Act, which repeals the denial of SNAP benefits for certain individuals with previous drug-related convictions. This bill also incorporates innovative policies that aim to support farmers, promote sustainable practices, and strengthen rural development: most notably are the provisions that will help streamline rural development permitting processes and reinforcing broadband connectivity in rural communities. Additionally, this proposal would be the largest investment in conservation programs, to date.

With deep gratitude for these provisions, we have some concerns with the nutrition program and the conservation title that conflict with our priorities. This version of the Farm Bill, proposed by the House Agriculture Committee, would limit the ability to update the Thrifty Food Plan, which provides the basis for calculating SNAP benefits. Also the additional funds for the conservation program, that had originally been set aside for “climate-smart agriculture” incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act, would lose those climate-smart requirements under this proposal. The House Agriculture Committee is scheduled to mark up this draft legislation on Thu., May 23.

May 1, 2024

The House and Senate Agriculture Committees are in the process of drafting their versions of the 2024 Farm Bill. Lawmakers must reauthorize the Farm Bill or pass a temporary extension to keep program operations running by September 2024, when the current legislation expires.

Though there is little legislative calendar space to pass a Farm Bill in this Election Year, House Agriculture Chairman Glenn Thompson (R-PA) has indicated his aims to markup a bill in committee around Memorial Day weekend, May 23rd (see summary here). Ahead of the markup, Rep. Thompson’s office has issued some early proposed changes to the SNAP program, which some estimate would reduce hunger funding in SNAP by $30 bn over the next decade.

January 1, 2024

“The 2023 Farm Bill reauthorization is delayed. Since the 2018 Farm Bill was enacted on December 20, 2018, an extension has allowed authorized programs to continue through Sept. 30, 2024. USDA Farm Service Agency assures that “[the] Farm Bill continues its strong support for America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest stewards through a variety of safety net, farm loan, conservation, and disaster assistance program.” However, our faith-based advocacy in the process remains active toward passing a 5-year Farm Bill.”

Read more about a full brief on the Farm Bill released at the start of 2024 here.

Action Alerts

Express your priorities to lawmakers as this vital bill advances! It is critical that lawmakers hear from us. Use the messaging tools available in our Action Series on Farm Bill Priorities in the ELCA Action Center to add your voice. Currently available:

Advocate for Conservation and Climate-Friendly Farm Bill Measures

Fully Fund SNAP Benefits This Year

Future Farm Bill Action Alerts will be added to this page – but you can be notified directly by signing up for the ELCA Advocacy Network. New Action Alerts and monthly updates are sent to the network, which you sign up for here.

Resources & Webinars

From the ELCA Witness in Society advocacy team

ELCA advocacy has produced resources stemming from ELCA Farm Bill Listening Sessions held last year.

Farm Bill Leave Behind – This summation of themes heard in listening sessions groups important priorities. Our ELCA advocacy staff has been sharing this with lawmakers, and you can too.

  • It reads in part: “We heard from hundreds of Lutherans across the country who asked that their voices reach policy makers in the farm bill reauthorization process. Members brought their vocational, ministerial and civic experiences from varied parts of this country to ELCA listening sessions. They emphasized their deep concern for neighbors at home and abroad — especially the most vulnerable — and for faithful stewardship of God’s good creation.

Farm Bill Reauthorization – Invitation to Action – At the request of state partners, this overview of the Farm Bill and template letter was prepared and can be used in various settings.

From other sources

Our Collective Voice

By raising our collective voice, we can help enact a more just Farm Bill that leaves no one hungry. In your location and federally, let’s act boldly to end hunger and poverty in our time and ensuring healthy creation to feed future generations.

Here are some other ideas for making your voice heard.

  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper on the importance of anti-hunger and pro-farmer policies in the Farm Bill.

  • Attend town halls or public events this August Recess with your members of Congress to ask questions about their Farm Bill priorities.

  • Pray for those experiencing hunger and for our elected officials to have wisdom and compassion.