Beyond Church Growth Strategies: Is Innovation a Helpful Category for the Church? Part 1

In this episode of the Pivot Podcast, we ask, “Is innovation a helpful category for churches seeking to thrive in changing times?”

Are conventional church growth strategies falling short in today’s changing religious landscape? In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of “innovation” in church contexts, exploring whether it’s a helpful framework for ministry or a potential distraction from our core mission.

Dr. Andrew Root offers a critical perspective on adopting business-world trends, while the Rev Dr. Michael Binder and the Rev. Dr. Dwight Zscheile present a case for “faithful innovation.” Their spirited conversation reveals both cautions and possibilities for churches seeking to thrive beyond traditional growth metrics.

Discover insights on:

  • The limitations of conventional church growth strategies

  • Balancing faithfulness with adaptation in changing times

  • Practices for deep listening and discernment in congregations

  • Measuring ministry effectiveness beyond numbers

  • Embracing uncertainty while remaining grounded in gospel truths

Whether you’re rethinking your church’s approach to growth or seeking fresh perspectives on faithful ministry, this episode offers valuable insights for navigating the complexities of church leadership in the 21st century.