Worship Resources for Navigating National Elections: Available Now

As we approach another election season, the ELCA offers a rich set of worship resources to help guide our faith communities through this crucial time. Whether in prayer vigils, during Morning or Evening Prayer, within regular weekly worship, or in personal devotions, these resources are designed to bring the spiritual grounding and unity we need in these divisive times.

The resource includes carefully selected scripture readings, prayers, and song suggestions to reflect on our call as Christians to advocate for justice, care for the oppressed, and participate in our democracy with a heart aligned with God’s will. From the comforting words of Psalm 46 to the challenging call of Micah 6:8, these readings remind us of our responsibilities to each other and to the world.

Several prayers are provided to address various aspects of the election process, from seeking wisdom and discernment for our leaders to safeguarding the integrity of our electoral system. These prayers call us to remember the poor, the marginalized, and all who are impacted by the decisions made in the voting booth.

In addition to scripture and prayer, the resource offers assembly song suggestions, including hymns that focus on peace, justice, and unity. Songs like “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” and “We’ve Come This Far by Faith” provide a powerful soundtrack to our communal and individual reflections during this time.

These resources are available for free download at ELCA.org. We encourage all congregations within the Grand Canyon Synod to integrate these materials into their worship and personal devotions as we approach the national election. Let us come together in prayer, reflection, and worship, seeking God’s guidance and peace for our nation.