2024 Annual Report of the Vice President, Barbara B. Carl
View reports for our 2024 assembly on our assembly mission and ministry stories page or in this collection of blog posts.
Barbara B. Carl, Vice President, Grand Canyon Synod
Thank you for your support and your prayers for the work that you have entrusted to me. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Grand Canyon Synod as its Vice President.
One of the constitutional duties of the Vice President is to chair the Synod Council. The Synod Council is the board of directors of the synod, and serves as the synod’s interim legislative authority between meetings of the Synod Assembly. It has been my privilege to chair the Synod Council, and the Executive Committee since 2021. The Synod Council meets six times per year, and the Executive Committee meets monthly.
In September, 2023, the Synod Council held a two-day retreat. During the retreat, we set the following goals for the 2023-2024 year.
Congregational Vitality. One of the goals is to identify tools available for congregations that may be facing difficult times and are discerning their next steps in ministry. We aim to assist congregations when they first experience difficulty, rather than when they get to the point of deciding to close. We encourage congregations to conduct regular self-assessments, share stories of how congregations have dealt with difficult times, and provide resources to assist.
Equipping Lay Leadership. Another goal set by the Synod Council is to explore and identify ways to support lay ministry within the Grand Canyon Synod, especially with congregations that experience extended pastoral vacancies. With fewer rostered ministers available for call to congregations, and more rostered ministers retiring, congregations may find themselves without rostered minister leadership for extended periods of time. We are exploring more ways to equip lay leadership to carry on the ministry.
Better Communications within the Synod. An additional priority set by the Synod Council is to better connected with people through our communications. We are working with Brian Flatgard to make sure that the Grand Canyon Synod website (gcsynod.org) regularly reports inspiring stories from our congregations, as well as important news from our synod, the churchwide organization and the global church.
New Start Possibilities. The Synod Council also set a goal of considering new start possibilities. Working with Interim Director of Evangelical Outreach, Pastor Jim Dew, and Bishop Deborah Hutterer, we support exploration, consider possibilities, and head into the future with new possibilities.
Prepare for and Host a Successful Synod Assembly and Bishop Election. The Synod Council set a goal to prepare for and host a successful 2024 Synod Assembly. This includes the goal of holding a successful bishop election. I have been working to support the Bishop Election Committee in their efforts to prepare for and oversee the bishop election that will take place at this year’s Synod Assembly.
Since last year’s Synod Assembly, I have connected with and learned from others from across Region 2 and across the ELCA.
In December 2023, the bishops and vice presidents of the five synods of Region 2 met for a two-day consultation. This was a good opportunity for me to meet face-to-face with others from the Sierra Pacific, Southwest California, Pacifica, and Rocky Mountain Synods and to discuss ways in which we can work collaboratively.
The vice presidents of the five synods of Region 2 hold periodic Zoom meetings to discuss issues that vice presidents face, and I attend those whenever possible.
In March 2024, I attended a meeting of synod vice presidents from across the ELCA. This two-day meeting enabled me and other synod vice presidents to hear directly from churchwide staff and those involved in various aspects of the churchwide expression. This in-person event also included valuable time to network with other vice presidents and to learn from one another.
The ELCA vice presidents also hold regular Zoom meetings in which various issues facing synod vice presidents are addressed. I attend those whenever possible.
My work as Vice President of the Grand Canyon Synod makes me gratefully aware that God is doing some great things in this synod, and across the whole church. I am continually inspired by the faith and commitment of all of you who do God’s work in this place.
Barbara B. Carl
Vice President, Grand Canyon Synod